Chapter 14

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"Alright alright. Whatever you say" Kurama said as Kushina and Kurama walked out of the room and closed the door

Mini time skip

Naruto's POV
Kiba, Neji, and Sakura were all taken to court and me and Sasuke went there for evidence.
"I'd like Uzumaki Naruto to come forth and explain or show why they are guilty" the head judge said. I looked up and slightly nodded and walked to the stage area thingy.
"Well...they gave me this...well Kiba did" I lifted my shirt up showing the mark on my stomach That they have given me on that one night. "There's a lot more get the case" I paused and put my shirt down. "Well um...Sakura threatened me saying that if I didn't stay away from..." I gulped. 'This is too much pressure...too many people—'
"Well?" The judge cut me off from my thoughts
"She t-threatened me multiple times to stay away from Sasuke. She said that she'd hurt me in ways I couldn't imagine and well...yeah" I sighed and looked over at Sasuke who had his eyes widened. Was he shocked? Well...I guess he was going to find out somehow.
"Neji...he gave me a few of my scars from that one night...there's a slash on my back and well I nearly died that one's all" I glanced at the three that's had given me glares.
"Alright...Uchiha Sasuke...I heard you claimed that they hurt you that correct?" The judge asked Sasuke.
"Yes. That is true" he spoke out
"What exactly did they do?" He asked
"They just sliced my arm a few times" he answered.
"Alright..." the judge said as he wrote stuff down. Everything went silent after that. You could hear their pencils or pens writing and my heartbeat with pounding unbelievable loud. I started shaking. I don't know why I was but I was. Maybe because I was scared? Nervous? Maybe both. Then I felt Sasuke's arm touch my shoulder.
"Relax.." he whispered to me which relaxed me. I nodded as I took deep breaths. A few minutes passed and then the judge spoke out
"Alright...from what I have heard, i here by declare Inuzuka Kiba, Hyuga Neji, and Haruno Sakura guilty" I heard. 'Omg...yes! I won't have to worry about them!' I thought. I looked at Sasuke and slightly smiled. Then out of no where I hear "you're nothing you blonde gay! Don't think you've won! You're nothing but a piece of shit!" Sounded like it was coming from Kiba. I held my tears in. I didn't want to cry right now. Plus it's true...I'm a gay piece of shit. Honestly who could like a guy like me—
Sasuke looked straight at me. "Don't listen to them" he said. "Your worth something...your not a piece of shit either" he slightly smiled. I widened my eyes. Did he just? Did he just smiled? At me? Wait hold on...I haven't gotten his smile in years.
"Thanks" I said and slightly smiled.
"Anything for you" he mumbled. I'm 100% sure he said that which was quite unusual.

Alrighty we gonna have a time skip to where Naruto goes back to school!

3rd person POV
Naruto was asleep in his bed and then his phone went off. Naruto grabbed his phone and saw that it was a call
"What Teme?" He asked tiredly
"Get ready. I'm going to get you in 15 minutes" he said
"Wait why?" He asked
"Because your going to school today dobe" The raven answered. "Now again you have 15 minutes to get ready. Bye" he hung up.
"Wait Wait Wait Wait! 15 minutes?!" He thought out loud as he rushed out of his bed and got ready. He ran into the bathroom to do what he needed to do and then back to his room and put his uniform on. The blonde then rushed downstairs to realize he forgot his bag. "Dang it" he said as he rushed back upstairs to grab his stuff and came back downstairs. He put his shoes on and checked the time.
"6:43" naruto mumbled as he opened the door to see Sasuke pull up. "Didn't he say 15 minutes?" He asked himself as he walked to Sasukes car.
"Good morning" naruto smiled as he entered the passengers seat and then out his seat belt on.
"Morning" Sasuke replied as he started to drive to the school. While he drove, Naruto was lost in his thoughts. 'What if...what if...I never met Sasuke...what if I didn't fall for him? What if I wasn't gay? None of this would've happened...I know that...and to think that he'll like me back? Hell no' He couldn't possibly like Naruto that way...right? Naruto was convinced that Sasuke liked some other chick in school. Like Hinata or Ino? He didn't know. 'Someone with good looks like Sasuke couldn't possibly like me' Naruto thought.
"Hey Naruto? Are you okay?" he asked. "You seem to be zoning out"
"Oh..I'm fine Sasuke. Just lost in thought. That's all" Naruto said
"Hn...okay whatever you say dobe" sasuke said as he pulled into the schools parking lot.
"Come on" he said as Naruto just got out of the car and followed Sasuke. Once they entered, the bell he already rung
"Just in time" naruto said as he headed to his class.
"Oi Dobe Wait up" he said as he followed Naruto. Once they got into the classroom, they were greeted with Kakashi, their home room teacher.
"Ah Naruto" he said "nice to have you back" he smiled under his mask
"Good to be back...I guess" he said as he sat down. Sasuke just sat in the desk next to him. Then a familiar red head walked in which made Naruto smile. "Hey Gaara!" Naruto said happily making Gaara turn his head to Naruto and smiled slightly. "Hey Naruto" he said as he sat in the desk to the left of Naruto.
"So how is everything?" Naruto asked
"Oh it's going great" he said "how about you?" He asked not being aware of his situation.
"Look...Naruto has been through lots of terrible shit. Don't remind him" Sasuke spoke out.
"Oh...well I'm sorry then" The red head said
"It's fine" naruto said "So—"
"Hey dobe" Sasuke spoke out again
"Don't forget about all the work that you missed" he said
"Well you missed the same work I missed to eh" he said and stuck his tongue out at sasuke
"Ah— Gosh damnit dobe!" He said. They continued to argue
'How are they in good measures right now? I was sure I had Naruto in my reach. Did I do something wrong?" The red head thought

a/n: Alrighty that's is it for now. But I want to thank some of you guys for the ideas! Also the next chapter will be a SasuNaru filler type thingy

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