Chapter 23

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"Well since there's no stopping you, there's this organization that I work with called the Akatsuki...maybe me and the others who are in the group could help you" Itachi offered and Naruto nodded.
"Take me to them...or whenever we can at least"

The next day had arrived and Itachi took Naruto to the place where they all stayed. Itachi and Naruto walked in to see a guy with a mask. Naruto was sorta confused by this but he didn't bother asking.
"Ooo Itachi brought someone! He's really cute! Where'd you find him?" The masked man asked
"Tobi, He's my brothers boyfriend" he said
"Oh I see I see. Then why is someone like home here?" He asked
"For something. Anyways, where's the others?" Itachi asked
"They're in that room" tobi said as he pointed to the room across from them
"Okay thanks. You should go in too. I need you guys to somewhat help me" he said
"Oh? The great Itachi needs help?" The masked man asked
"I'm not in need of help...he is" Itachi said
"Ok ok. What's his name though?"
"My names Uzumaki Naruto" the blonde said
"Ok ok ok! Let's go then" tobi said as the three of them walked to the room. Tobi opened the door and they walked in.
"Hey Itachi!" Deidara said while he just waved
"Who's this?" He asked
"That's Naruto" the raven said
"Ok then. Well, why is he here?" He asked
"Yeah Itachi. Why'd you bring him?" A shark like man asked
"He needs out help with something" Itachi said

Once Itachi finished explaining to everyone why they were there, they all nodded in agreement.
"Sound good" pain said
"So...what do you want to learn? Like fighting or like fighting with swords?" Kisame asked
"What about both" Naruto said and he nodded
"We can have Itachi train you with swords. He's good at it so no need to worry. I mean, I'm good with everything but not as well as Itachi" Deidara said
"Whatever you say" Naruto sighed.

After a month or two, Naruto constantly trained with the Akatsuki but mostly Itachi. Not only did he train, he practiced sign language because Sasuke wouldn't be able to hear. Which meant that Naruto would have to teach Sasuke or they do the easy way and write stuff down.
Soon, Naruto was probably better then most of the members of the Akatsuki but to Naruto, it wasn't enough. He wanted to be strong enough to beat one person in that group. Itachi. He knew that he was trying if he could at least win against him. Then he'd know if it was all worth it.
After his training, he went back to Sasukes room to sit and talk to him even though he knew that he wasn't going to answer. First of all he was deaf but he hoped that it didn't take all his hearing away. Second, he's in a coma. There's no possible way that he could hear Naruto right?
"Hey Teme, I cant wait for you to wake up y'know? But your brother is really worried about you...I want to be able to win against your brother before I go up against Kiba and Sakura. I want to be sure that I can beat them even though everyone says I'm really good. I don't understand how you didn't so anything to them when I was in the hospital but then it was different back then..." Naruto went on and on but no matter how much he talked, he wouldn't get a response. "Oh god...please wake up Sasuke...I don't know what I'll do when you like this. It's too painful to see you like this" he said as he cried silently.
"You know...I think you have a chance at winning" Itachi said from the door
"Huh?" Naruto said
"I think you have a chance at winning" he said "you're emotionally destroyed...I mean.I am too but emotions can make you do a lot" he said
" really think so?" Naruto asked
"Mhm..." Itachi said "Even if you can't beat me, your basically stronger then the whole group. I trust that you'll get them and that you'll come back" he said as Naruto slightly nodded.
"I promise...I'll come back...for my parents sake...but for sasukes too" he mumbled
"I'm glad that my brother found someone like you" he said
"What do you mean by that? I'm literally about to kill people" the blonde asked confused
"You made him a lot happier" the elder Uchiha said. "Usually he wouldn't even protect 'you know who' like how he'd protect you"
" think so?" Naruto asked
"I believe so. He's changed ever since he met you"
"Okay so besides him protecting me like that, how did he change?" Naruto asked.
"Well Sasuke usually hated everyone he knew. Besides me of course but when he met you, he was more... how do I say this. Let's just say he isn't like he used to be. In a good way obviously"
"Well I'm glad" naruto smiled. "I'm just glad that Sasuke is happy" he said.

___Sasuke's POV___
a/n: you may be wondering. Why does it say Sasuke's POV?
someone : Isn't he in a coma?!
Yes he is but, I'm adding his POV just for some feels and what not soooo...continue

Where the heck am I? Last thing I remember is being in a car and...Naruto! Oh gosh he's probably worried. Wait how long have I been this way?! I mean...I'm technically awake so why can't I hear anything? Maybe I can force myself to actually wake up but how?
"" I heard it was familiar but it was quite blurred. It's like I couldn't hear properly.
"I.. be b..k. Don't die w..le I'm g... I'm going to get rev...e for everything that Kiba and Sa.... has d..e to us. I pro...e that I'll come back al..e. I'll c..e back to you no what"
What the heck was going on? Why can't I hear him properly?! And what? What is he going to go to Kiba and...Sakura? Rev? No...he's not going to get revenge on them is he? That dobe! It's too dangerous for him! Unless he did training but where would he train with? My brother? I don't know...he just better be back or I might as well stop fighting to live. I just want to hear your voice.

___Naruto's POV___
Today was the day...I was going to kill those two bastards. They ruined everything that I had and after years of it, I've had enough of it...I'm going to kill them. Whatever it takes to kill them. I grabbed my katana and out in my black clothes. Now to find out where they are. Where would they even be?
Oh I know...where they would be at...

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