Chapter 6

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Naruto's POV
I took a deep breath. "W-What do you w-want Sakura?" I stuttered.
"Heh...pathetic as always...anyways, you like what I've done with your life?" Sakura said. I swear I'm pretty sure she's smirking.
"What?! You mean by turning my best friend against me? Oh yeah it's perfect" I sarcastically said
"Just wait till school starts! Oh it's gonna be a living hell for you!" She said. It was already hell for me...but Sasuke made it less worrisome. But I won't have him this time.
"Sakura...It was already hell!" I mumbled
"Tch, Whatever...even though sauske doesn't want to be around you, you better stay your distance" she said loud enough for me to hear.
"I don't plan on being around if you excuse me, I have better things to do" I growled but if I'm being honest, I just wanted to leave the call.
"Yeah go ahead. That's all I had to say. Now don't expect me to call you, you pathetic loser" she said. I just rolled my eyes as I hung up. I sighed as I put the box away in my closet and sat on my bed. "I don't think school will make my life any better..." I mumbled. "Not that my life will get better.."

I don't get it...why has everything turn against me? The only people that I can trust are my family and no one else. Although I prefer to be a loner than worry about other friends...that word disgust me...friends...ew..I don't need something like that...they'll just end up betraying's happened many times.
"Hey bro..your taking quite a long time up here...are you alright?" I heard Kyuu say from the door.
"Uh..Yeah I'm fine" I forced a smile
"You sure don't look fine" he said.
"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine" I lied
"Naru, your trembling! What happened?" Kyuu asked concerned.
"I-It's nothing I-"
"Naruto stop lying!! Your obviously not okay! So what happened?!" He asked
"Sakura happened...sorry I'm just an emotional many stuff has helped these past two days and I...I...I don't even know anymore!! Everything is so messed up!" I started to cry. I don't know why but every time I think about this, I get emotional. It's just too much...
"Well...all I have to say is that sometimes, life doesn't go the way you want it can be a pain in the ass sometimes but you just gotta make do with what you have..."he said.
"You think I haven't noticed that?! Everyone hates me you know?! Actually you wouldn't weren't even here to know about it! When I needed you the most, you weren't there! Yeah I talked to mom and dad about it also sasuke but sasuke would've just beaten them up...but it's different with you...but I don't think you get!! I'm worthless...pathetic..lame...or anything in the dictionary that means a disappointment or a mistake!!" I yelled. My cries turned into sobs. I was just so emotional and mad..I don't think I could've taken all of this.
"Will you shut up for once?! Don't act like it's all about you right now!! Always complaining!! You don't think I've been in a situation like this?! For 21 years, you don't think I have been through stuff like this?!" Kyuu yelled which shocked. He's never been this mad before.
"All you have been doing so far is complaining! Complaining about how bad your life is so far!! I've been through worst so shut up!!" He yelled louder
"K-Kyuu...calm down...your scaring m-me" I manage to say
"Tch, Whatever" he growled as he exited my room. "He's just mad...he'll get over it..." I thought as tucked myself in and fell asleep

a/n: so nothing bad happens after that so like time skip to a few weeks...which means it's back to school!!

The morning
Beep! Beep! Beep!
I woke up from the alarm. "7:50..." I read "ahh shit!! I only have 10 minutes!" I shouted as I struggled to get ready. Once I finished getting ready, i put my shoes on and ran to the school. It wasn't far from my house so walking or in my case running wouldn't take up too much time. Once I arrived the bell rung. 'Thank the Lord!' I thought as I headed to first period. I walked in to see Kakashi Sensei in there. I sighed in relief knowing that He at least knew the teacher.
"Ah Naruto. Glad that your early this time" he teased
"Oh like you never been late" I said
"Good point. Now take a seat" he said as I nodded and went to find a seat. Once I found a seat at the very back, I put my stuff down and waited for class to start. As I waited I noticed a familiar raven-haired male and a familiar pink-haired female . They were also with a group...glad they made friends. "Great.." I thought out loud as I tried not to make eye contact.
"Oh look it's the fag!" Sakura pointed out as their group started to laugh. Damn why did his room have to be so loud?! If it wasn't Kakashi would've noticed right away..
"Did you forget how to talk or did you finally understand what we tried making you doing for years?" A brown-haired dude said.
"I didn't forget to talk...and also I suggest you keep your mouth shut!" I yelled. Ugh!! Why can't I just shut up and stay out of trouble?!
"You got guts to actually talk like that to us dobe.." sasuke said as he walked closer to me.
"You guys don't scare me...especially you" I growled
"Since when did you learn to talk back?" sasuke asked as he gripped onto my collar.
"Put me down you asshole!" I yelled. "I want to keep my distance!!" I yelled again.
"HEY!! You two separate now! I'd hate to put you guys in detention on your first day!" Kakashi yelled. I'm pretty sure sasuke made a 'Tch' sound and walked away to his group of friends. I just looked at Kakashi Sensei. 'Thank you' I mouthed. 'No problem' I saw him mouth back. As class started and proceeded, I swear I felt some eyes on me. I'm just trying to learn alright?! I just wanna go home. I'm so tired.

Once class finished, I booked out and went to my next class. Drama? I never signed up for's probably from my parents. Oh well I might as well go. "Ah it's over ther-" just before I could do anything I was pushed onto a locker. "W-What the hell?!" I yelled as I looked straight at a hyuga. "Neji.." I growled
"What? Missed me?" He asked
"Oh definitely" I said sarcastically. "I need to get to class so can you please move" i said as i tried getting away.
"Oh no you don't" neji said as he pushed me back onto the lockers.
"Ow..." I said as I rubbed the back of my head. "What's your deal anyways?!" I asked
"Just revenge on what you did to Sakura and Sasuke" he smirked
"Ugh for goodness sake I di-" I was paused from a punch in the face. More kept coming, soon kicks were coming in. Before I knew it, I was on the floor...nosebleed and everything. What did I do to deserve this?! I did nothing wrong! Why did everyone turn against me?! Why does everyone here hate me?! My limp body, defenseless and bruised kept on being bruised and beaten up but before I knew it, everything went black...

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