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'Thank you very much. I had a great time! Clara thanked Elizabeth, Mary-Kate and Ashley. 'We had a great time too. You and Rose are always welcome.' Replied Ashley. 'Yay! Next time I want to go to the horses again.' Said Rose. 'You've infected her with the horse bug Mary-Kate.' Laughed Elizabeth. Mary-Kate laughed. 'Going to do that Rosie.'

Clara and Rose said goodbye to the Olsen sisters and they walked up the driveway. 'Hey mom is home already.' Cried Rose happily. Scarlett's car was in the driveway. Clara smiled. She was glad Scarlett was already home. She had missed her today.

Clara her phone made a noise. Clara grabbed her phone and fleetingly looked to see who sent her a message. Immediately she turned white. It was her stalker again.

Was it fun with the Olsen sisters? Mary-Kate can ride a horse really well!

'Clara? Are we going in? Rose pulled on Clara's arm. Clara was startled and quickly put her phone in her pocket.

She grabbed the house keys from her pocket and she opened the front door. Immediately Rose ran inside. "I'm home! She shouted. Less than five seconds later, Scarlett came down the stairs. 'Hey darlings, how was it?' First she gave Rose a hug and then Clara.

'It was great! I sat on Mary-Kate's horse.' Started Rose telling her enthusiastically. 'Really? Did you dare to do that?' Asked Scarlett. Rose nodded. 'I want to go horseback riding too! Is that allowed mom? Questioningly, she looked at Scarlett. 'I'll check with your dad.' Scarlett promised.

'And how did you like it Claar? Did you go horseback riding too?' Curious, Scarlett looked at Clara. Clara seemed a little less enthusiastic than Rose. 'It was fun though.' Replied Clara. 'Clara didn't ride horses but she did take lots of pictures. She also took a picture of me and Fatum. Told Rose. 'Who is Fatum?'

'Mary-Kate's horse.' Answered Rose. 'Oh but that's nice too! Tomorrow you and Colin should just transfer the photos to the computer then we can look at them.' Said Scarlett, 'Yes, Mary-Kate asked for the pictures too. I'll ask Colin tomorrow if he has time.' Replied Clara. 'That's a good idea. Have you had dinner yet?'

'Yes - we went to the Mac Donalds.' Rose took off her shoe and she walked into the living room. 'What lucky people you are.' Said Scarlett. Clara took off her coat and shoes and she took out of her backpack Colin's camera. 'I'm going to put these upstairs for a bit.'

Clara walked upstairs and she put the camera down in Colin's study. 'Clara, is everything all right?' Clara turned around and behind her was Scarlett, 'Yes I am.' She answered quickly. 'Are you sure? You're acting different than usual. Inquiringly, Scarlett looked at her. 'I'm just tired from the long day.' Replied Clara. 'I understand dear. Why don't you go to bed? I'm going to put Rose to bed in a minute too.' Said Scarlett. Clara looked at the clock. It had just been eight o'clock.

'I'm going to take a shower first.' Said Clara. 'Also good. I'm going to put Rose to bed.' Scarlett walked out of the room and Clara was left alone. Just to be sure, Clara looked around the corner one more time to check if Scarlett was really gone and when she saw that she was, she grabbed her phone and opened the chat with her stalker one more time.

She didn't know who it was, she didn't understand how that person knew everything about each other, she didn't know what that person wanted from her. She was scared. Very scared. She knew she should tell Scarlett and Colin but she didn't dare. She didn't want to bother them with her problems. They were busy enough with their work. They probably couldn't handle something like this.

After Clara had showered she walked downstairs. Scarlett was sitting on the couch with her phone in her hands. 'Is Rose in bed yet? Clara sat down next to Scarlett on the couch. Scarlett nodded. 'She fell asleep right away. She must be tired.'

'She was asleep in the car just now, too.' Told Clara. 'So I really don't understand how people can sleep in a car so easily. I really can't.' Said Scarlett, 'Neither can I.' Replied Clara. Scarlett received a message and immediately she got a smile on her face.

"Who is it? Asked Clara curiously. 'Chris.' Replied Scarlett, "Evans? Asked Clara. Scarlett nodded. 'You guys are really good friends huh? Noted Clara smiling. 'Yes, Chris is really a brother to me. We've become really good friends over the years.' Clara smiled. She was quite jealous of Scarlett and Chris them friendship. She wished she had someone who understood her the way Scarlett and Chris understood each other.

'How is Jack, anyway? Asked Scarlett, "Mom! Cried Clara indignantly. 'What, I'm just showing interest.' Said Scarlett shrugging her shoulders. 'No, you're showing interest in Jack. Not in the project.' Replied Clara. Scarlett smiled. 'I'm just messing with you. Shall we watch a movie?' She tried to change the subject. Clara nodded. 'Is good.'

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