No way, we were alone

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3rd person POV•

Thomas sat alone in the woods, he was thinking about Newt. "I can't believe that actually happend". Thomas stated. He twirled his finger around in the ground, dirt getting caught under his fingernail. Someone cleared their throat but when Thomas looked no one stood behind him. He heard a twig snap to his left and jerked his head around. Again he was alone. Thomas got up, to find Newt.

***A/N no more 3rd person, tell me if you liked It or not :)
Thomas's POV•

"Newt?! Newt?!" I called for Newt, scanning the glade for him. Newt ran to my side. "What's wrong, Tommy? Are you okay?!" Newt was worried. "Yea but I think someone was watching us, in the woods. "No way, we were alone". I nodded. "Your right, I'm just hearing things. I'm gonna go help in the garden". Newt looked right into my eyes, he had beautiful brown eyes that were sparkling in the evening sunlight. "Alright, Tommy. Take care of yourself". I nodded again and gave Newt a hug.

I began to work in the garden. Zart asked me to get some fertilizer. "Uhm, do you remember how that went last time"? He laughed. "Should be fine". I headed towards the forest. It was so peaceful in the forest. All the beautiful trees, the calm wind, it was just a nice place to be. I heard rustling in a bush. "Who's there"? Pain exploded through my head as I fell to the ground. Hands gripped around my ankles and I was dragged through the dirt. My vision was going and soon it was all dark.

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