Tommy, your drunk

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The med-jacks came in shortly after Minho did, to ask Newt questions. "What did he actually do to you"? Jeff ask while Clint wrote. "He hit me with what felt like a". Newt rubbed the red spot on his head. "Does it hurt"? Newt shook his head.
Life had gone back to normal. I went into the maze daily with Minho. Me and Newt kept our relationship Private. And all was fine. I had just returned from running the maze and Newt was standing there. I used all my strength not to hug him in front of everyone. "Tommy, come here! I wanna show you something!" Newt grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me towards the kitchen. His eyes were so big, I thought they would burst. He quickly stopped and I tripped forward. He jumped behind a table, smiling so big his face might rip. "Okay, okay, okay! Fri, show him the thing we made!" Frypan rolled his eyes and reached down to get a soup. "Tommy, Tommy, tommy, I made that"!! He exclaimed proudly. I nodded. "Good job". I smiled. He clapped his hands and jumped like a schoolgirl.
The box sounded and all the gladers gathered around it. Gally pulled it open. inside was a terrified boy, like normal. and a box with a note-from the creators. Newt jumped down and began to read it aloud. "Dear gladers, we believe that we have caused you a bit of distress. especially Newt and Thomas. We apologize on Doug's behalf, he is a troubled man and we will not allow him near the glade again. We are sorry about any pain we caused you and as a token of our forgiveness we have some CDs and a radio for you. Remeber, wicked is good." Newt picked up the box and shook it. it sounded like CD's "Looks like we're having a bone fire tonight"! Gally exclaimed. All the gladers cheered as Alby began to set up. Soon the bone fire was cackling. Gladers everywhere were dancing, singing, taking shots, and well, drunk. I was wasted out of my mind. I stumbled over to Newt and handed him a drink. "Tommy, your drunk". He observed. I smiled a very drunk smile. "Yep". I burped. Newt and I started to dance and sing along to the songs. At the moment they were playing a song called 'Classis' the words echoed through the glade.
I wanna do like Michael, I wanna kiss you like prince!
The words danced through the air.
Your over my head, outta my mind! Thinking I was born, in the wrong time.
your one of a kind, living in a world gone plastic. baby your so classic!

Newt was being so adorable I couldn't help but lean in and kiss him. He pulled away. "Tommy"! He exclaimed, we had gathered a few gladers attention. "Whaaaat"? I asked, relaxed. His cheeks burned red. "You can't kiss me"! He hissed. "But I've done it before". I smirked. before Newt could say anything I ran over to the bonfire. "IM GAY, EVERYONE"!! I screamed. I was drunk but I meant this, I wanted everyone to know. Newt, however did not. I heard Newt mutter a 'shuck it' under his breath and walk over to me, grabbing my hand. He pulled me away from the fire and put his hands around my waist. "Now your out, happy"? He asked, raising and eyebrow. "Very. It was stuffy in that closet". Newt rolled his eyes. We continued to dance for the rest of the night. Most people assumed Newt and I were together so we could stop hiding.

A/N sorry it's just a filler!! Thanks for reading <3 please comment

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