Where am I?

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Thomas's POV•

I awoke lying on the ground in apart of the glade is never seen before. I looked around, nobody was here. "What the fu-" "Good morning, Thomas". A male voice cut through the air. I turned to see a man wearing a mask. "Who are you? Where am I"? He laughed. "I can't tell you who I am, that's too easy. Don't worry your safe here". I stood up and ran. I ran, and ran, as fast as my legs could carry me. "HELP! NEWT, HELP ME!! HELP"!! I screamed. I kept running until my face got a shot of pain through it. Some sort of forcefield prevented me from running any further. I turned to see the man again but he was gone. As I walked back to the spot he was at before I ran i saw food, water, fresh clothes, and a piece of paper. It read: "Everything happens for a reason. Calm down, Thomas. Wicked is good." I lied down in the dirt, longing to be called 'Tommy'.

Newts POV•
I was done with Alby and I couldn't find Tommy anywhere. I checked the garden but he wasn't there. "Zart, have you seen Tommy"? Zart shook his head. "No. He hasn't come back since he went to get fertilizer". I almost pulled out a chunk of my hair. "Why do we keep sending him to get the bloody fertilizer?! It never goes well"! I ran into the forest.

Thomas's POV•
I heard Newt's perfect voice. "Tommy? Where are you"? He called for me. I jumped up and did a happy dance. "My Newtie will save me!!" I hollered like and idiot as I jumped up and down. I saw his beautiful face. "Newt!! I'm right here"! I yelled out to him. Newt kept looking for me as if he didn't hear me. I continued to scream for Newt but he wouldn't answer. I pressed my face up against the forcefield. "He...cant see me". I realized. Newt couldn't see or hear me. this stupid forcefield wouldn't let him. I wanted to kick down that forcefield so baldy. I wanted to run into Newts arms, but I couldn't. This was the worst kind of torture. Newt continued to search for me for hours. I watched him go all over the forest while I was right here the whole time. It hurt me so badly knowing I couldn't let him know that I was right here. Eventually Newt broke down in tears. "I lost him. I bloody lost the only person I've ever loved!" Newt sobbed. I began so cry too. I listened to his words. "Please come back to me, Tommy! Please, Tommy, please"! Newt pleaded and sobbed for another hour until he finally got up to leave. "I won't stop looking for you, Tommy. As long as you keep waiting for me I'll keep looking." He whispered as he disappeared into the trees.

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