I bloody missed this

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I sat in the med-jack room, like everyday. Head in my hands imagining a life without Newt. Sweet, Kind, Gentle, Newt. "Why didn't he get me instead"? I asked myself. I felt the air shift. I slowly looked up. Newts eyes shot open. Those perfect brown eyes looked around the room. His chest began to rise up and down like normal. "Newt?! Your awake! Oh my god, Newt!!" I screamed. "I have to go ge-" Newt gripped the collar of my shirt tightly and pulled me close. He held my face close to his, I could feel his hot breath on my lips. "Tommy, I just woke up. Can we have a minute...alone"? I leaned in and kissed Newt gently on the mouth. He put his arms around my neck. I moved my hand to his cheek, cupping his face. I felt his perfect jawline move in my hand as he deepened the kiss. When he pulled away he smirked at me. "God, I bloody missed that". I smiled an leaned in again. Newt pulled me closer and I got on top of him. He moved his hands down to my waist, as I twirled my fingers in his sandy blonde hair. Newt moaned. He lifted my shirt slowy and put his cold hands on my abs. I winced at his cold fingers, and he stopped. "Alright, Tommy"? He asked carefully "I'd be better if my mouth was on yours". I answered bluntly. Newt smirked at me. "Fair enough". He proceeded to kiss me. This time I took off his shirt. I felt up and down Newts abs. He had the perfect body. I reached Newts belt and looked into his eyes for permission. He winked at me adorably. I smirked as I began to undo his belt. We heard the clunking of feet running up the stairs. I fell off the bed in surprise. Newt leaned over the side to see me on the ground. "Are you alright, Tommy"? He asked calmly. I nodded as I pulled on my shirt. The door swung open, Minho walked in. "Thomas you gotta stop sitting in here waiting for Newt to wa-" He stared at Newt like he's just seen his best friend come back from the dead...oh wait. "Newt!! Your awake"!! He screamed putting his hands up to his head. Newt had been very calm this whole time. "Tommy, fell on the ground." He stated obviously. "Why are you shirtless, Newt"? Minho asked as he sat back in a chair. Newt reached for his orange tank top. "Ah, one of life's great mysteries." He muttered as he pulled his shirt over his six pack. I stood up from behind the bed. "Well I guess life is good now". I smiled, putting my hand on Newts shoulder. "Yep. And you, mr.Thomas can get your pony-loving butt back in that maze"! Minho exclamed. "Awe, did the grievers miss me while I was with, Newt"? I retorted.

A/N just a filler chapter!! Sorry it kinda sucks but I think it's cute :) NEWT HAS RETURNED!! I know lots of you were not fans of his "death" anyways I hope you guys like it! Comment 'nooties booty' if you read this all <3 please comment!

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