Chapter 3: The Meeting

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"Santa?" Mother Nature asked. "Santa?" Scott finally looked up at her from his chair. "Are you with us?" 

"I-I'm sorry, yes." Scott said. "Yes, I am." 

"Well, on behalf of Father Time and the entire council of Legendary Figures, I'd like to thank you for being such a gracious host." Mother Nature said. 

"Hear, hear." Tooth Fairy said as they all clapped for Scott. 

"What a lovely place." Easter Bunny said. 

"Hear, hear." Cupid said. 

"And without further ado, let us convene the year-end holiday conference." Mother Nature said as she banged the gavel down. "Tooth Fairy?" 

"Thank you, Mother Nature." He said, standing up. "Fellow council members, I'd like to again propose a new name for myself." 

"Oh, please!" Easter Bunny complained. 

"Come on!" Cupid complained. 

"Good Heavens." Mother Nature muttered as Father Time just stared at the ceiling while shaking his head.  

"In the past, you have rejected "Tooth Man", "Tooth Guy", and "Tooth"." Tooth Fairy listed. 

"Because they stunk." Cupid said. 

"Today, I'd like to submit..."Captain Floss"." Tooth Fairy said. 

"Nice." Cupid said, sarcastically. 

"Plaque Man." Tooth Fairy continued. Easter Bunny scoffed. "And Roy." 

"Roy!" Cupid said, laughing, but then stopped. "No. No kid's gonna put a tooth under a pillow for a man named Roy." 

"This from someone who wears a diaper and shoots arrows in people's butts." Tooth Fairy said. 

"Wait a minute." Scott said "I got it. I got it, I got it. How about this..."The Molinator." 

"The Molinator." Tooth Fairy repeated. "I like it. Thank you, Santa. Can we vote right now on "The Molinator"?"  

"All in favor of a name change for Tooth Fairy?" Mother Nature asked. Scott and Tooth Fairy raised their hands. "Alright. And all opposed?" She, Father Time and Cupid raised their hands. "Easter Bunny?" His ears drooped as he gave two thumbs down. "Sandman?" 

"What?" Sandman asked, waking up from his nap, in his spot at Scott's desk. "W-What happened? Was I asleep again?" 

"Name change for the Tooth Fairy?" Mother Nature asked. "Yes or No?" 

"No." Sandman said, looking at Tooth Fairy. "I'm sorry." Tooth Fairy nodded.

"Alright, next item on the agenda." Mother Nature said. "Santa, status report." 

"Okay, well, first off, welcome, you all, to the North Pole." Scott said. "It's great to have you here. Uh, as you know, this is our big time of the year, so things are busy, as usual. There's a little speed bump in the road this year. You all know Charlie and Heidi." 

"Oh, yeah." They all said. 

"Oh, I love those kids." Easter Bunny said. 

"Great kids." Father Time said. 

"Good kids." Mother Nature said. 

"Sweet kids." Sandman said. 

"Good teeth." Tooth Fairy said. 

"Well, himself on the naughty list." Scott said. 

"What?" Tooth Fairy asked. 

"What?" Father Time asked. 

"Oh, my." Mother Nature said. 

"What?" Cupid and Easter Bunny asked. 

"I'm struggling a little bit with the timing, cause it's...I got to be up here at the North Pole, and I've also gotta try to take care of Charlie, and...Heidi's coming up for a visit so I gotta balance both kids." Scott explained. 

"That's every parent's dilemma." Sandman said as Mother Nature nodded in agreement. "How to balance work and children. More people lose sleep over that than anything else." 

"Oh, tell me about it." Easter Bunny said. "I have 33,000 offspring, all in private school." Scott nodded. 

"Well, to top it off...I have to get married by Christmas Eve." Scott said. 

"Hmm?" Easter Bunny asked. 

"Otherwise, I stop being Santa Claus." Scott said. A bunch of "What?"s all rang out across the room. 

"No!" Mother Nature said. 

"The De-Santafication process has already begun." Scott said. 

"Wait a minute." Easter Bunny said, hopping off the couch. "You do look thinner, and...your beard is shorter! Am I right?" All agreed with him. 

"Apparently, it's called the Mrs. Clause." Scott said. 

"Don't mess with me, Santa." Mother Nature said. "I'm Pre-el Nino." 

"No, I'm not messing with anybody." Scott said. "What I'm saying is I have to find a wife in--"

"27 days, 20 hours, and 17 minutes." Father Time cut him off. 

"Wow." Easter Bunny said. 

"It's what I do." Father Time said, chuckling. 

"Wait a minute." Scott said, pointing at the small winged man. "Cupid! Cupid, come over here." 

"What do you need, pal?" Cupid asked, flying over to Scott. 

"Why don't you just shoot me with one of your darts?" Scott asked. "Then I'll fall in love." 

"Allright, first of all, they're not darts, they're arrows." Cupid said. "Second of all, no can do." 

"Why not?" Scott asked. 

"Cause the arrows have no effect on us." Cupid explained. "Believe me, if they did, I would've shot myself in the butt, met a nice girl, left the business years ago, alright?" 

"Alright, alright." Scott said, holding his hands up in surrender. 

"With the questions..." Cupid muttered as he flew away. 

"Y-You can't stop being Santa Claus!" Easter Bunny said, pointing at Scott. 

"I don't wanna stop being Santa Claus!" Scott said. 

"Kids are 86% happier since you've taken the job." Easter Bunny said. 

"He's absolutely right." Tooth Fairy said, pointing at the large bunny as everyone nodded in agreement. 

"This is all I wanna do." Scott defended. "What am I gonna do?" 

"Well...y-y-you can't be in two places at once." Father Time said. 

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