The Point Of It All

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The next morning

I was woken up by a small noise but I was literally too tired to pay attention to it. After a while I turned over and immediate saw a shadow hovering over me causing me fo immediately jump up

Jamel grasped me by my shirt pulling em out of bed and my eyes went wide in shock

"Aaliyah why the fuck to hand yo pops playing on my top huh ?" He asked before grabbing my neck and forcing me to look him in the eyes

"You need help." I told him causing him to grasp tighter

"Bitch don't tell me what the fuck I need."

As he continued talking I slowing reached behind me before tugging my lamp slightly closer, and once he noticed what I was doing I immediately smashed the lamp across his head causing him to fall

He attempted to get back up but I kicked him down and he immediately grabbed my foot pulling me in with him

"Daddy !" I yelled but he slung me back around before picking me up again

"Daddy isn't here to save you as always." He told me before pushing me out my room door

"I'ma give that nigga a run for his shit, he met his fucking match."

As soon as he got me down the steps the door opened to who I expected to be my daddy, but it was Marcus.

Jamel immediately pulled his gun towards him and Marcus surprisingly did the same before holding it at him

"Jamel please just stop!" I pleaded before he gripped me tighter causing me to look down because I didn't want to see what I expected to see.

"Let her go." Marcus demanded and he chuckled

"Move the fuck out my way before I do that shit for you." Jamel told him before looking Marcus in the eyes

"Marcus just move." I told him but he took the safety off of his gun and Jamel did the same

"Please just move I can't deal with that shot Marcus." I pleaded

"You gon shoot me right here ? You in the suburbs in broad daylight nigga." Marcus told him and Jamel looked around

"You better step, it's early and them white folks should be out having a sip of coffee, and they won't need no newspaper this time, because it's a heavy ass black nigga out shooting neighbors and shit right ?" Marcus asked and Jamel chuckled before letting me go roughly

"You picked the wrong battle G." He mumbled before bumping past me and pulled off

Marcus immediately pulled me into a tight hug but I was in complete shock over how fast things happened

"Did he hurt you ?" He asked before shutting and locking the door and I shook my head

"No I'm fine-

"No you're not you're bleeding." He interrupted before leading me to the bathroom

"I'm fine-

"Sit down Aaliyah." He sighed before going into the closet and I sat on the toilet

He began cleaning off the small cut off of my head before putting a bandage over it and looking at me

"Why did you come here ?" I asked

"I heard what happened to London and I came over to make sure she was straight-

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