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we sat together as the world around us drowned the sound of your heartbeat
i feel you begin to draw your last breath, suddenly a sense of grief dominates my relief.
i look down at you as i'm met with your eyes, desperately attached to mine as well.
i never wish to forget those compelling, soulful eyes i once knew- hence now i'm greeted by the expected.
the crucial, crimson, and overall miserable picture i viewed was unforgettable.
beneath your ever-heavy hand, i regret to inform you of a death notice arriving late at the moment, although you held vast knowledge of the risks regarding prior enrolment.
you very well knew that this was forever, you just wished for the long-awaited outcome of your family together.
you wished for us to be together again, as if we were kids way back then.
when things were easier, when we were just a door away, never did i think time would come to this day.
you were met with demise just for us to realize-
grief is needed to make time pause, although we will never go back to how it was.

my poetry - kelsey lochWhere stories live. Discover now