a relationship isn't supposed to drain you.
you aren't supposed to be at your personal, bitter end while trying to make your love happy.
a bitter end alone is unfortunate, but qualified to resolve with others.
your other half isn't supposed to drain all of your love.
it's added love-
increasing, expanding, enlarging your mind to include just one more part-time priority.
a part time priority that any teenage girl would consider true love.
a disney princess love in which they grew up watching, the sweet prince to sweep you off your feet.
taking you away from the terrible things within this world.
i'm not sure why this is influenced within the mind of children, maybe to know the difference between how they should and shouldn't be treated.
increased dissatisfaction,
always expecting more from a love.
never truly having your expectations met because your mind is so influenced by what's seemingly the given traits in a relationship.
i'm not sure if my expectations are my fault, i'm not sure if there's even a blame to pin.
i'm just one of the fortunate who realized before ultimate unintentional heartbreak,
the heartbreak of draining one you love.

my poetry - kelsey loch
Poetrymy personal work, all written by me - i post them here so i can reflect on myself and my writing easily. writing is my greatest passion, and i hope you love my work. all feedback is appreciated!