why does no one talk about that certain sadness after something so good has come to an end?
whether it was a relationship, or a friendship.
or two people who loved one another, but were too scared to ever say anything truthful to their feelings.
why does nobody talk about how disgusting and worthless it makes you feel inside, knowing that you could have done so much more?
that you could have said so much more, and maybe the other person would have stayed just a little bit longer.
why does nobody talk about how you still want that person back into your life-
after they took you to hell and didn't even have the care to bring you back?
how you don't even know how to continue life without them.
a day to day routine with one less worry, one less text to overthink.
but i admit, i loved to overthink you.
i mean, i loved thinking about you in general.
thinking doesn't contain my past,
over does in the present.

my poetry - kelsey loch
Poetrymy personal work, all written by me - i post them here so i can reflect on myself and my writing easily. writing is my greatest passion, and i hope you love my work. all feedback is appreciated!