i like to try to remember the past and acknowledge it but instead it haunts me.
i can't help but to find pieces of you in every song i listen to, as if orange was laced within the air i breathe.
i might be in my own head right now,
but none the less-
you're on my mind.
wishing for any contact from you,
something to know how you feel.
for you to talk to me as you used to,
as you once did before.
all i want right now is to rewind the time, the last 24 hours.
not to get you back, it's been 24 days since then.
but 24 hours.
revamping and restarting my photographic journey, brought me down memory lane.
the exact road i took a detour to avoid,
yet i still arrived there anyways.
no matter how much you'd like to avoid certain things, it's better to be prepared for the unexpected than to be scared of so.
i knew i had to face our past together,
which is the last thing i wanted to do alone.

my poetry - kelsey loch
Poetrymy personal work, all written by me - i post them here so i can reflect on myself and my writing easily. writing is my greatest passion, and i hope you love my work. all feedback is appreciated!