now it's time to say goodbye, 3 weeks of hard work will be yours soon. your reward being a journey home to me, patiently waiting your arrival.
there hasn't been much time since you've been gone when i haven't thought about you. i've been working myself busy to stay awake rather than asleep. i can't help but to feel like i now have time to do the things i want to do. write when i want, sleep when i want, do work when i want, eat when and however much i wish. i have been trying to look at the brighter side but i feel only half without you. the air conditioning is even too cold without you, and through all the blankets im still shivering without you next to me. i miss you and your presence, even though it annoys me when you're here and i want space. i miss you more than you'll ever know and i feel beyond lonely without you here. i have been counting down the days, doing housework to make sure it's done before you're home- which i'll end up doing again before you're home but that's completely fine. the 3 weeks spent with you is beyond worth the 3 weeks without, but i will never dread that 3 week goodbye.
i know i can manage to stay on top of things with and without you here, which makes me feel proud. i am not struggling without you, but i'm indeed thriving and feeling content while focusing on work and school.

my poetry - kelsey loch
Poetrymy personal work, all written by me - i post them here so i can reflect on myself and my writing easily. writing is my greatest passion, and i hope you love my work. all feedback is appreciated!