Chapter 55(Last Chapter)

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Early in the morning we can see a couple who were immersed in their world of love.Both were relaxing in eachother's arm lying naked under the blanket.

Manik was playing with Nandini's hair kissing her face simultaneously.

"Manik stop now", whined Nandini who was exhausted from the nights activity.

"But I want to lay like this only.With you in my arms where even there is no space for even  air",sighed Manik contently having his mishti in his arms.

Beaming to his confession Nandini hoped on to him like monkey and screamed into his ear "I love you Maan".

" I love you too my mishti "  said Manik hugging her.

Groaning to her touch Manik again flipped their position made some passionate love with her till late in the morning.

Both got up late but got ready in a jet speed as today is Alya's baby shower.

Just a week ago Cabir and Navya returned from their honeymoon.They chose Italy which was same place where Manan celebrated their 1st anniversary and honeymoon again. Navya loved Italy so much from their pics and decided to go Italy only for honeymoon.
Manan enjoyed in Italy a lot more than they did in Ladakh as their relationship also escalated from then.
They both managed to get 20 days of leave from their work.Half of the days  they spend in their room and other few days they roamed the city.

Reminiscing their honeymoon Manik came out of their wardrobe after bathing  to see his Mishti was getting ready in a peach colour salary. Her blouse strings were still undone and she was putting her earrings.

Manik reached her and was fastening her blouse strings helping her in getting ready. Taking the necklace from dressing table Manik helped her in tying it.

Remembering something asking her to wait Manik rushed to his side of wardrobe and quickly came towards Nandini. Kneeling before her Manik lifted her legs and kept it on his thighs. Removing silver anklets from the box Manik tied it around her ankle and giving it a kiss. Tying both the anklets Manik got up and kissed her nose and went to get ready.
Blushing at his actions Nandini did her final touch up and descended to help her mother in law in packing gifts for Alya.

Both mother in law and daughter in law duo managed all the gifts for Alya and were ushering their husbands to come down fast.

Vedhant Mansion was decorated beautifully according to the occasion.
All the relatives reached on time and ceremony completed with laughter around.

Nandini picked a icecream for herself and was leisurely walking when a hand pulled her towards a pillar.
Nandini was about to shriek but calmed after seeing that it was her husband.

Maan what the hell...stop doing things like that scolded Nandini.

Manik just kept his hands on her waist and pulled her into him.

"Mishti you are looking so beautiful that it's becoming difficult for me to stay away from you", said Manik.

"But Maan what if somebody sees us like this", questioned Nandini.

"So what .... I'm romancing my wife.Its not my problem if their spouses are not romantic like me", answered Manik.

"And if you want to romance in a closed place we already have a room for us just give me a nod within 5 mins we can start our romance", replied Manik.

"How shameless you  have become Manik",said Nandini.

"What shame infront of my wife. And I like being shameless infront you Mishti",said Manik winking at her.

"Oh God Maan where did you left the filter for your mouth", complained Nandini.

Manik just shrugged.

Shaking her head Nandini pecked his lips and escaped from there.

Manik too joined the boys group who were trying to tease Cabir and in return were getting teased by him.

Soon it was evening and everyone returned to their home.
Murthy's too  came to Malhotra Mansion.
Nandini decided to show off her kitchen skills and decided to make some snacks for their family.

Decided on making Onion pakora and tea she reached garden area where everyone were talking and laughing.
Seeing them happy Nandini thought that it was one of the beautiful moment in her life where her whole family is present.

She kept the tray and everyone served themselves. Her parents and in-laws praised her cooking and happily relished them.

Taking a few steps back Nandini captured the beautiful moments forever.

Suddenly she was back hugged by Manik.

"What are thinking", Mishti asked Manik.

"Today I'm so happy Maan.. everything is going good and everyone are happy.I want this forever",confessed Nandini.

"Mishti jaan life will never go in a straight line, it has some slopes, different directions.We as a family we have to face them together. And in this process our bond will become stronger", said Manik.

Nodding to what her hubby said Nandini just laid her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

Suddenly from nowhere rain started to pour and the elders and abhi aru went inside hurriedly.

Nandini and Manik were still in garden feeling every drop from heaven's above.

Manik started to twirl her in the rain.
Nandini gladly joined in his dance.Both of them danced on their on rhythm enjoying rain.

Standing on her toes Nandini once again confessed," I love you Maan".
"I love you too my much".

Both of them were looking into eachother eyes forgot the world.Once again Manik joined their lips trying to relish the moment forever.


Finally I completed the book. At last the journey came to end. I feel so happy and yet the same time I'm feeling sad that I will not be writing the characters again.

I want to thank every reader who read my book, everyone who voted generously and everyone who gave their precious comments.
Everything is valuable to me guys. And I can't thankyou people enough for it.

May be I can't name every person but once again thank you guys.

And I know some parts are left incomplete or you people may feel that they are incomplete.
And I'm planning to give some bonus chapters for that. And suggestions are always welcome.

Thank you guyss......

See you guyss...till next time.

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