Chapter 32

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Time passed quickly and it was already lunch . Getting up she went to the hospital canteen where Navya,Abhi,Aru occupied  a table.

Nandini reached there with a lunch box packed by Swetha.

Nandini :hello people

Aru  : Aagayi nayi dulhan

Nandini  :Where are mom and dad

Abhi  :Bade papa is in operation theatre and badi maa said that they both will eat together.

Nandini  :Ok

Navya   :You bought lunch box.What's  in there

Nandini  :See your self

Aru snatched box from Navya and opened it.

Aru  :Wow Rajma chawal.

Saying that he attacked the lunch box in exchange of his  .
But Nandini allowed him to have only half and returned his lunch to him and ate her mother in law's delicious food.

Abhi and Navya completed their lunch quickly and left to their respective cabins followed by Aru.So Nandini too was back in her cabin.There was still some free  time so she dailed Manik number .

Manik too sat in his cabin for lunch.Opening lid, the aroma filled the room and his stomach started to make sounds to show how hungry he is.

Halfway through his lunch his phone started to ring.Manik was little surprised to see Nandini's name swiping he answered the phone .

N :Hello

M :Hey

N :Had lunch

M : still having

N  :Oh sorry continue

M :wait wait don't cut the call. I'll have my lunch and you can talk.

Nandini smiling to herself started say him how Aru was eating her lunch and how she snatched it from him.

After completing his lunch Manik too started narrating how Rahul was behind his back asking for leave to go for a blind date.

In the evening Manik came to hospital to take Nandini . Nandini asked him to wait inside her cabin as she was still busy.But Manik thought of visiting his in- laws and went towards  (Nandini's Dad) Cabin . Knocking on the door Manik entered after hearing a come in. Manik entered closings the door behind him.
Vishwa was surprised to see his dear son in law in his cabin.

Manik said that he is here to pick up Nandini . Nandini came to her father's Cabin after a nurse informed her about Manik and when she reached both were chit chatting about politics and Sports forgetting the time.

Nandini hugged her father and kept her head on his shoulder.Manik was smiling at them when Nandini winked at Manik when he was looking at her.

Manik just internally laughed at her cute antics.
Taking his leave both the couple exited the hospital.

That week they attended some dinners at Manik's relatives.Some times Swetha and Raj didn't accompanied them for the dinners.They were tough for Nandini as they were no one to help her from their questions which included their family planning.Manik too understandingly spent less time when his parents were not with them.Some women who were elder to her were ready to give some tips which will spice up their marriage to which Nandini very politely denied them.

After few days Nandini noticed a Man who follows their car from home to hospital and sometimes even sits in the hospital lobby.Nandini informed Manik about the same.

Manik   : Actually he is following you on my orders.

Nandini :What (shouted Nandini)

Manik   :He is for your security Nandini , what if some of my business rivals will target you.I need to be careful regarding you and I was about to inform you this weekend but you already noticed him.

Nandini :I understand your concern Manik ,what about you.Dont you need security for your self.

Manik  : Ofcourse Nandini.They stay in the premises in civil uniforms

Nandini  Ohh (Nandini opens her mouth with the new confession).

On that Sunday, they were pics from their Reception on a monthly magazine.

One picture was with both the families and another one was of the couple.
The picture was printed on a full side . Both of them sat on the chair laughing and looking into eachother other eyes.

Nandini and Manik together read the article in the magazine .

Swetha informed the couple about the plan of having dinner at the Dhawans  next Saturday.

The next week was also busy for all of them and Nandini and Manik became accustomed to their new schedule after marriage .

It was already Saturday and it was Nandini's turn to drive. As usual Nandini went inside the Malhotras office politely smiling at some employees .She reached Manik's floor and sat outside on the sofa flipping some magazine and waiting for him . Shortly two-three people came from inside shaking hands with Manik.But one particular girl looked at her as if she has power to kill her with her eyes.Nandini didn't really gave any heed and continued her flipping .

After Sending them Manik came and sat beside Nandini and closed his eyes and relaxed.

Nandini ran her fingers through his hair making Manik sigh in relief.

After sometime Manik caught her hand stopping her as he will be dozing off . Bringing her fingers near his lips Manik kissed her each finger looking straight into her eyes.

Nandini blushed feeling his soft lips on her fingers which were like a feather touch . Kissing on her forehead Manik came near her Cheeks when Rahul came calling Manik but stopped seeing his Bhabhi's head  tilted lightly and Manik sat infront of her which  from their back looked like their were having a proper kiss .So he ran away screaming that he didn't see anything.

Joining their heads Manik took a deep breath swallowing his irritation at the disturbance.
Taking Nandini's handbag from the sofa ,keeping  his hand on Nandini's shoulder  they exited the building.

But they were two people who also saw the  picture in magazine and didn't really felt happy.......

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