Bonus Chapter 1

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(I tried to write a little bit of romance between them, if it's cringe don't mind me. It's my first time writing something like that)

The time line of this chapter takes place before the last chapter only.

Nandini pov

Damn! It feels so good dancing after a month break. What a month it was. There were so good number of operations and out patients which kept me busy whole month. Even Manik was busy in his office leaving only Sundays. But even though I love Manik but still sometimes it is good to prioritise your sleep which I did. Every Sunday we used to get at 11o clock lazily and have brunch along with mumma and papa(Manik parents) who also started to be lazy with us.

After having our brunch we would laze around the garden talking about anything and everything. Once papa literally dragged all of us to Cabir's home for having dinner without giving them any information. First Uncle (Cabir's dad) was very happy to see us there but it soon changed to angry after listening to papa,Manik and Cabir's food order which they gave him. It was fun dinner where Uncle and Papa can't stop throwing insults at each other , Manik and Cabir can't stop bickering whereas Aunt(Cabir's mom) ,Mumma and me where just laughing on them. I just can't wait for Navya to join us. Oh did I forgot to inform you people, next week uncle and aunt(Navya's parents)  are coming from Hyderabad to Mumbai to discuss engagement and marriage dates. Most probably engagement will be conducting within 15 days. When we got to know this , there was end for Cabir's blush on that day . Even Navya was not feeling that shy . It was treat to eyes to watch Cabir blush and these boys were not else,they kept teasing all through out the day. It will be super fun having a marriage in family.

After that week , I stayed in Murthy's without Manik. Yes you heard it right. I left Manik and came to Murthy's as a punishment for him. It was a stupid thing of me to be so harsh on him. Let's keep that incident a side , we can discuss it later.

I spent my weekend there and reached hospital directly. After my shift I reached parking lot to see my hubby waiting near my car. His coat is missing along with his tie. He rolled his sleeves upto his elbows while his front top 2 buttons are open. Woww my husband is treat to eyes.

Noticing me he opened my car with another set of keys which he may brought from our home. I silently sat in the front seat and strapped seat belt.

Keeping his hand near to my seat, he started to reverse the car from the parking turning the wheel like a pro. Wow, right from the time I came here I'm just swooning over my husband. Offcourse he is worth swooning.

But the ride was silent and even I wanted to rest for a while before apologizing to him. Slowly don't when but I slipped into dreamless sleep and woke up when Manik was already carrying me to our room. I tighten my arms around him and closed my eyes. He dropped me on the bed and went inside the closet.

After him , I went to fresh up and reached dining hall where Manik, mumma and papa were already present. Smiling I went there and served ourselves and ate merrily.
After sitting in hall for sometime we went our rooms.

I too reached our room to see Manik getting rid his t-shirt. Yaa, after our confession Manik came to his old habit of removing his shirt and sleeping. According to him, he thought that it will be little awkward for us if he sleeps like that.

He sat on bed leaning on the headrest folding his hands looking at me.

Sighing , I sat on his lap with my legs on his sides. Leaning on to him totally  I kept listening to his heartbeat.

"I'm sorry for being stupid".

"Heyyy... even I'm sorry and let's not repeat this thing again ok. I hated every minute when you to Murthy's leaving me here", said Manik thightening his hold on me.

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