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Hi! Author here to say that uh Ahaha...

I'm thinking of rewriting a chapter in this book for good reason. I'll reveal which chapter I rewrite when it's done or idk, I'll just post it as a new chapter and then people (if they still have this saved) will know which one's been redone.

The chapter is going to be completely different, I highly doubt its going to be the same. Actually, it might be two chapters that'll get redone or not, but anyway! It'll be different and hopefully a lot (and I mean A LOT) better than what it is currently.

I won't be rewriting the whole book though. I feel like I did it justice (Apollo Justice hehe thank you to all my pun commenters) and for something that was my first fanfic? I'm quite proud of it. Except for that one chapter. That chapter needs to be rewritten.

But other than that, thank you so much for reading and I hope you'll enjoy this new/old chapter I'll get to writing! Thank you for the comments, the votes, the views and for helping and supporting me throughout my fanfic writing journey!

Thank you and have a wonderful day/night! And Merry Christmas to those who celebrate ^^ and happy holidays!

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