Chapter 14

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"Pearly, is there something you want?"

She looks troubled. She has been for the past few days. I hope nothing bad has happened.

Pearl had rarely spoken since the picnic. She had been following Phoenix around the office and peeking in on him whilst he was working. I had tried to tell her to leave him alone, but she looked determined to continue watching. She wouldn't even tell me why. Now she stands in front of me silently. It kind of creeps me out actually.

"Mystic Maya, it's almost been a week since we went on the picnic."


She nods. "Which means it's almost time for their next date."

"Yes, that's true."


"...Is there something wrong with that?"

"Of course there's something wrong!" Pearl exploded. I was taken aback by her outburst, jumping backwards in my seat.

"What's wrong then?"

"Their date should be happening sometime tomorrow or the day after. We haven't heard back from Mr. Detective Dick about Mr. Eh-ji-worth and Mr. Nick hasn't mentioned anything at all about it either."

So that's what she's worried about.

"Pearly, they do have busy lives. They must have a lot of work to do. Well, at least Edgeworth does, I'm not too sure about Nick."

"I know. But what if they grow apart during this time. What if all our hard work goes to waste?" She was working herself into a frenzy, panic spreading across her face.

I took her in my arms. "Calm down, Pearly. There's no way that'll happen."

I hope not at least.

"But, Mystic Maya..."

"Pearly, look at me. We made a promise to help those two get together, right?"

She nodded, her eyes no longer teary.

"Then we need to do everything we can to keep it, whilst also listening to what Gumshoe said, okay?"

"Yes, Mystic Maya!"

"Good! Now, if it'll make you feel better, I can give Gumshoe a call and see what's happening on his end."

I picked up my phone from off the table and searched for Gumshoe's contact. Finding it, I was about to ring his number when an unexpected phone call from Edgeworth.


Pearl looked at me expectantly and I put the phone between us so she could listen too.

"Good morning, Maya."

"Fancy you giving me a call. What can I do for you? Did you by any chance wanted to talk to Ni—"

"No! I mean, no. He's not the person I wanted to talk to right now."

"Uh, okay. What is it that you wanted then?"

There was silence on the other end followed by a sigh. "I'm sorry to do this but could you perhaps come over to my office today? It's something I don't wish to discuss over phone."

Pearl and I looked at each other, shocked by what he said. We were mouthing secret messages and making various hand gestures before hearing someone clear their throat on the phone.

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