Chapter 10

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Steel Samurai, you have bested all of my warriors. Such a shame to have come so far only to be met with failure.

I don't know what you mean, Evil Magistrate. I have only one obstacle between life and death and that is you. I will not be struck down by someone like you.

Ahahaha! You think you can defeat me? You may have beaten me before, but I have grown stronger since last we fought. Now it will be you who is defeated.

You underestimate me. I will continue to fight and protect my homeland from the evil's of the world. 

And in return I will give you the most honorific death, Steel Samurai. Prepare to die! Grrrrraaaaaaaaah!


The Evil Magistrate strikes the Steel Samurai! Has he finally defeated the Steel Samurai? What will become of Neo Olde Tokyo's hero warrior? All will be answered in next week's exciting episode: "The Fall of Neo Olde Tokyo!"


"Noooooooo! Steel Samurai! He couldn't have been defeated! There's no way that could happen!"

"The Evil Magistrate is mean, Mystic Maya! Why would he hurt the Steel Samurai?!"

"Because he wants to take over Neo Olde Tokyo! But the Steel Samurai saves the day and defeats the Evil Magistrate, like this!" I swung a broom over my head, copying the Steel Samurai's movements. "That is why he can't be beaten! He is a noble warrior who fights for justice and peace! Waugh!"


"Augh! Maya! What are you doing?!" Phoenix gripped the middle of his body where I struck him.

"Sorry, Nick. I forgot you were here."

"Maya, could you please put the broom down. I think you should be banned from using it."

"What?! How can you do that? What am I going to use as the Steel Samurai's Spear?"

"Don't use anything, please. I've sustained enough injuries from these reenactments."

"Party pooper!"

"Pearls, don't tell me you're part of this too." He rubbed his stomach and looked at Pearl with tired eyes.

"I am, but it's not fair you should say those things to Mystic Maya." She rolled up her sleeve and scowled at him. "Apologise to her!"

"So-sorry, Maya."

"It's okay, Nick. I'm sorry for hitting you with the broom."

We smile at each other and laughed. Nothing's changed in this office.

"It's getting late now. Are you going to head home, Nick?"

"Yeah, I might as well. I think I'll finish the report tomorrow when I have time."

"Okay, then. Have a good night!"

"Goodnight, Mr. Nick!"

"Goodnight!" Phoenix left the office, shutting the door with a thud.

"Ready to sleep, Pearly?"

She nodded in response and began to pack up her crayons. She stopped to look at her drawing. "I can't wait for tomorrow! It's going to be amazing!"

"I know what you mean. To think we now have Nick helping us too. Should be a little easier to get them together, don't you think?"

"Yep! I'm done, Mystic Maya. I'm going to go to bed now."

"Okay, I'm going to stay up a little longer. Sleep well, Pearly."

Pearl exited down the hall and shut the door to her room. The room had been furnished with a bed and set of drawers when Pearl moved in. Originally, the office only had one bedroom where I slept, but now that Pearl was here we had to clear out what was being used as a storage room to make another bedroom. 

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