Author's Note

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Hi, everyone! In the previous chapter, Edgeworth had sent letters to Phoenix who then hid in his office to read them privately. Because of this, I asked people in comments (it was a reply to a comment) if they would like to see what was written in the letters and everyone (so far) had said yes. So here we are with 2 special episodes! :D

Before I get into the actual chapters and explaining what each one is about, I'd like to thank a few people for helping me out and for supporting me:

1. DaChildOfHades I'd like to thank this person first and foremost. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have written this book nor would I have thought of the idea to write it. I'm really glad I got to meet them and receive the support I needed to jump-start all of this.

2. @Youngbountygirl I'd like to thank this person because if I ever made a mistake in a character's personality or have made included wrong details about something, within the comments I'll hear about it and possible suggestions for future chapters (which I'm always happy to take on and implement).

3. _Miles_Mia_Phoenix This person I'd like to thank a lot because they have been with me since the early chapters of this book (I can't remember when though haha) and together we came up with so many ideas about our current and future books.

4. GalaxyChan65 People have no idea how many times I thanked this person in the process of writing these next 2 chapters. Throughout it all, they had offered their help in coming up with ideas for the chapters, editing and re-editing everything. They are truly amazing and I enjoyed working with them so much. I promise this won't be the last time I thank them.

5. Musicaltrash35 I'd like to thank this person for always being one of the first to read this book. I'm sorry for all the cliffhangers I've made you endure (this goes for everyone too) and thank you for all your lovely comments. Without you or anyone else for that matter, I would never have expected to do a chapter like this nor would there be any chapters like the previous and future ones. So all in all, not only am I thanking Musicaltrash35 but I'm also thanking everyone who has read, commented, or voted for this book. Thank you, everyone!

6. ThatNarumitsuAccount Lastly, I'd like to thank this person for allowing GalaxyChan65 and I to reference their work. It was very kind of them to do so and I hope that when they read the chapter they'll enjoy it. (For all those wondering, the chapter containing the reference is the "SFW Special Episode").

Now for what you've all been waiting for (maybe)! For those who read the question, although I asked if people wanted to see the explicit content in the letters, I've decided to write 2 special chapters: 

- the 1st chapter will be nsfw and contain explicit content (this is a mixture of letters and texts)

- the 2nd chapter will be sfw and contain fluff content (this is just a chapter full of letters)

Please, if you don't want to read nsfw content, don't read the next chapter! Instead, skip ahead to the fluff chapter titled "(SFW) Special Episode".

Once again, thank you everyone for making it this far into "Pearls". I never expected this many people to read it (or like it) but it does bring me joy knowing that others are enjoying it too. I'm not one for writing an author's note or any notes for that matter because I didn't want to tear people away from the story, but it was necessary to do so here for obvious reasons.

Anyway, it's difficult to express how much I'm thankful for those who have given this story a chance and for those who have written comments. You've all been very supportive whether it's providing ideas, correcting mistakes/inconsistencies, voting, or even just reading! Thank you everyone and I hope that you'll enjoy the future chapters that have yet to come! :D

P.S. Going through the comments you guy's have left behind has me reducing to tears! They have provided endless entertainment for me and for anyone else reading them, I have a hard time trying to stop laughing! For that, I thank you guys again look forward to reading your comments in the future! 

P.P.S I would like to note as well that the dates in this book might not add up. Please, don't give them much notice. They're only there as added details and to add some realism to this book (although it may not be represented very well). But yes, please don't mind them and enjoy the rest of the book!

P.P.P. S I'm so sorry for such a long author's note :( I promise any future notes (if there'll be any) won't be as long (I make this promise but who knows what will happen XD)

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