Chapter 11

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The lake's shore was surrounded by snow, the trees were bare and covered in snow, the benches were covered in snow. Everything was white...and covered in snow.

It's also way too cold! We should've picked a better place to have a picnic like inside the office where it's warm! 

I rubbed my arms vigorously, trying to regain as much warmth as I could. Pearl walked beside me, unfazed by the cold despite her short sleeves. Phoenix walked ahead of us, the bag of food slung over his arm as he rubbed his hands together.

"Maya, you sure did pick a good time to have a picnic. The weather is absolutely amazing."

"You think I don't know that, Nick?! I'm more surprised that you didn't question it before we left the office or even when we were making the food!"

"I, I guess. But you already arranged for this picnic with Edgeworth! How do you think he would react if he came here only to find out we abandoned him?"

I grumbled in annoyance, pouting at his back as we continued walking down the snowswept path.

"Mystic Maya and Mr. Nick! Stop arguing and think about how great this will be! Don't you find this winter wonderland just a little bit romantic?"

"I'm not too sure about this being a winter wonderland, Pearls. It's all white. There's nothing here that screams 'wonderful' or 'romantic'."



That seemed to be the end of our conversation as we neared a clearing. Edgeworth was standing in the centre, a similar bag like our own sitting beside him.

"You're a fast walker, Edgeworth. And what's in the bag?" The bag seemed to be quite bulky from what I could see and quite soft too.

"Since you arrived late I assume you didn't bring a picnic rug for us to sit on."

All of our eyes widened.

How did we forget the rug? Do we even have a rug?

"I'm also assuming that you don't own a rug."

Is he reading my mind?!

"And no, I am not reading your minds. All of your expressions tell me that I am correct."

We looked between us and sure enough, we all wore shocked faces.

"Keen-eyed as ever aren't you, Edgeworth?"

"It's just simple observation, Wright." He bent down and unzipped his bag. Inside was a red picnic rug, and as he pulled it out we gasped at the size of it.

"That's too big for our small picnic, Edgeworth!" I watched as he set to work on making the rug flat across the uneven ground. "This rug could take up half the lake!"

"That's a slight exaggeration, Maya, but I must agree. This is far larger than I expected when I bought it.

Phoenix passed his bag to me and helped Edgeworth straighten out the corners. "When exactly did you buy it?"

Edgeworth finished the last corner and stood up. "Approximately an hour or two before you arrived."


Did this man really buy this rug before coming here? I doubt Gumshoe had any hand in it so I can assume yes.

I shook my head and walked across the vast plain of red gingham, not before removing as much snow from beneath my shoes. Everyone did the same and joined in the middle where I began unpacking the sandwiches and salads, plates, and the juice we had made with some fruits.

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