Author's Note

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I honestly don't know what to say. Like, as I write this I'm kinda nervous, kinda excited, kinda embarrassed 'cause this has been such a ride. I guess first and foremost that I'd like to thank everybody who has read this book. Seriously, I didn't imagine this book would ever become as popular as it is right now, and to see so much support and love for it is astonishing. If it weren't for all of you, this book wouldn't have made it as far as it did (in fact, some parts of the story might've been different).

So again, thank you so much to everyone who has voted, commented, read and partially read this book. It means the world to me knowing that so many people gave this book a chance, especially since it's the first fanfic I've ever written. I can't say enough how thankful I am about this! 

Also, huge thank you to @pondracer for the amazing fanart they did! I know I mentioned them before and basically dedicated an entire chapter to them, but that was another thing I never expected to come when I began writing; someone actually doing fanart! This made my day so so much and I hope that whatever art you're pursuing right now is going well despite present circumstances. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

At this rate, I'm just going to thank everyone all over again. Please, if you haven't already, check out my first Author's Note ( because I've listed the people who have helped me out the most throughout writing this book, so please show gratitude towards them too! Again, this book wouldn't be where it is right now if it weren't for them and it'd mean a lot to me and to them if you guys checked them out.

(Not to mention to check out the people I've followed. They're all great too and have served as huge inspiration for when I write my fics. They do amazing fanart or fanfic and sometimes both, so please do check them out if you are interested.)

Oh my goodness, this literally has been one wild ride. I'm still in shock actually. Whenever I see that somebody has voted for a chapter or has commented on one, I start to freak out 'cause it's like, "Why are you reading this? How did you get here? Why this book and not some other book?" But it fills me with so much joy too! Reading through your comments, seeing what you liked, disliked, thought would happen and then your reactions to what actually happened... 

I know I don't interact much with the comments (it's kinda awkward tbh and I'm not exactly too sure on how to interact with an audience actually), but just know that you guys bring so much joy into my life and I hope I've done the same with you by writing this book! Kinda unfortunate that I didn't have a consistent upload for like 2 months or something (or EVER), but hey! We made it to the end and seeing so many of the people who read from the very beginning to the very end is just amazing. I have no other word to describe what I feel other than amazement because truly, you guys are awesome!

I feel like I've run out of things to say but I also feel like there are more things I need to say. Confusing, isn't it? Well, there's something I've been wanting to do and whether anybody will take part in it or not is beyond me. It's nothing serious though. For those who didn't read my comment at the end of the last chapter (meaning Chapter 25, not the Epilogue) or my announcement, I asked if you guys had any questions about the book you'd like answered. 

I understand that some of the things I've written came out of the blue, didn't make sense, and possibly were never explained, so I'm giving you guys the chance to ask any question you may have about the book. Can be anything! I'm pretty sure I remember most of my thought process when writing the individual chapters, so please do feel free to ask me anything. If I do happen to get any questions, I'll add them to the last chapter of the book. If not, then I guess this is the final chapter.

Um, I don't really have a set date on when questions will be closed since I don't expect there to be any questions, so I guess people can continue to ask until the end of time. Another thing I'd like to know is if you guys do decide to ask a question, would you like your account name to be featured in the chapter or prefer it to be anonymous asking? I mean, technically people can know who asked what by looking through comments and such but who has the time and effort to do that? (Me because I'll be the one writing out the questions into the next chapter and then answering them XD.)

For those who want to ask a question (or more), please comment here. Like, along this line. This sentence. This paragraph. YOU KNOW WHERE! JUST HERE! Cause that'll make it easier for me to see and to sort through ^-^.

And now I don't know what to say. If I really wanted to, I'd pull a Lemony Snicket and write "Thank you" across two pages, but I don't think you'd guys would appreciate that. Either way, thank you so very much! You guys are phenomenal for sticking through until the very end even with the inconsistent upload, so cheers to you! Whether you guys continued to read this book for the ship or for the story, thank you all so much and I hope you all have a lovely day/night/evening! 


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