Chapter 5

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For the remainder of the walk Larry, Pearl and I talked about anything and everything including how Larry got to date a model. Apparently, he landed a job in the industry and met Ala whilst delivering coffee and other drinks to the crew.

There's something about Larry that makes him irresistible to some women. I don't understand the science behind it at all.

We continued chatting and eventually our destination came into view. Larry looked up and gave us a wink indicating that he's putting the plan into action. "Give me just a few minutes." We nod as he ran a little ahead, catching up with Phoenix and Edgeworth.

"Hey, guys. Sorry to do this to you but could you find a seat whilst I use the bathroom? I'm busting to go!"

"Um okay, Larry. We'll see you later then..."

"Yep! See you inside!" With that, Larry rushed inside the building with a small cloud of dust behind him.

How does he do that? It's not that dirty here. Or dusty.

Pearl tugged on my sleeve. "We need to make sure Mr. Nick and Mr. Eh-ji-worth sit at the right table." Right! No use in Larry setting it all up if they don't sit there at all!

"Okay, let's move on ahead!"

We hold hands as we run towards Phoenix and Edgeworth, almost crashing into them. "Nick! Do you think Pearly and I can choose where we sit? We want to be able to find a table that can fit us all after all." I smiled as sweetly as I could in the hopes that he'd agree.

He looked at me, slightly confused. "Sure? I don't see why not. You always choose where we sit anyway so I don't see why you're asking me."

"Oh. Well then, shall we head inside? I simply cannot wait any longer!" I lead Pearl inside and survey the interior of the building.

I don't see Larry anywhere. Neither the table. What happened to him?

"Over there! In the back!" Pearl jumped up and pointed towards a table in the far corner of the room. I stared at it in awe. It was like being in a dream.

The table was decorated with a rose pink tablecloth. A single candle on a silver candle holder was alight despite the room being brightly lit. Some rose petals had been thrown carelessly across the tabletop, and plates decorated with intricate patterns were laid out neatly with a knife and fork placed on top of folded, pink napkins.

This is amazing! It looks so surreal. Wait, is that a curtain drape too?! Larry really has gone above and beyond with this setup.

We rushed over to the table just as Phoenix and Edgeworth walked in. Pearl and I waved them over whilst Larry had an accomplished look on his face.

"So what do you think, guys? Did I do well?"

"Larry! This is far more than what I expected! It's absolutely beautiful."

"Mr. Larry, this is the best! I knew we could trust you!"

His face went pink. "Aw, thanks. I was originally going to do this for Ala at another place but since she's not coming, I might as well use it here. Oh, they're almost here. Let's take our seats."

I turn and sure enough, they were almost here with dubious looks on their faces. "Wait a minute. Before we sit, let's get them to sit opposite each other and on the inside. That way they can't easily escape."

"Good idea, Maya! Pearl, why don't you sit next to me? You can be between me and Nick if you'd like."

"Okay!" Pearl moved to stand next to Larry. Soon both men arrived at the table, eyes wide.

"Uh, what's happening here?"

"What do you mean, Nick? Everything's normal. Now take a seat and Edgy, you sit over there opposite him." Larry directed them on where to go. Phoenix moved to the end of the seat, still unsure of what was happening whilst Edgeworth remained still.

"I'm going to request for another table."

"What?! You can't do that, Edgy! They gave us this table so we have to use it!"

Edgeworth frowned at Larry. "I thought Maya and Miss Fey picked the table?"

Larry made an audible gulp, his eyes reduced to small dots. "Um, well, you see..."

I was at a loss for words and so was Pearl. Both our minds and faces were blank as Edgeworth shook his head.

"Hmph. I detected foul play here. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave and move to another table."

No! This isn't how it's supposed to go! What are we going to do?

"Edgeworth!" Phoenix moved from his seat and grabbed a hold of Edgeworth's sleeve. "Please don't leave. Just stay and have lunch with us. It's not that bad to sit here, is it?"

Edgeworth stared back at Phoenix. Their eyes were locked in a silent battle. Dark blue eyes met with cold grey eyes before finally he gave in. "Alright, I'll stay."

Phoenix smiled, his face softening. "Thank you."

I turned to Pearl and Larry, shock written all over our faces.

That was the most cutest, most adorable interaction I have seen of them yet! It was almost like it were written straight from a book. And that stare! I never knew Edgeworth could stare like that for so long. He must do a lot of practise.

"Can we sit down, please? I want to get this over and done with."

We all turn to Edgeworth who looked defeated after having to agree to stay at this table.

"Okay, but you still have to sit on the inside. I 'specially made it up for you."

Edgeworth glared daggers at Larry. "'Specially made it'?"

Another audible gulp was heard from Larry. "J-just sit down and relax, Edgy. You too, Nick!" He hurried Phoenix into his seat and bustled Pearl in afterwards, choosing to sit as far as he could on the seat away from Edgeworth.

I waited for Edgeworth to take his seat and followed suit. As soon as we had sat down, Larry drew the curtains across, earning a threatening look from Edgeworth. "There better not be any more of your antics during this lunch, Larry."

"I-I promise there isn't anymore!" Larry was sweating profusely and lifted his menu up. We all did the same and I noticed there was a slight difference between our menus. Whereas Larry, Pearl and I had a plain red menu, Phoenix and Edgeworth had ornate flowers embroidered on them, each a different colour. Phoenix had blues, ranging from the gentlest pastel blue to the harshest deep ocean. Edgeworth had fiery reds that bloomed into soft pinks like roses. I marvelled at what everything Larry had done, right down to the smallest detail.

I must say, he certainly has a way with setting the scene. Too bad he's shaking in fear.

I tap his hand to grab his attention and mouthed a small thank you. He gives a shaky smile before hiding behind his menu again. Watching Pearl, she looked absolutely mesmerised by Larry's set up and sat staring at both men. Phoenix was red as soon as he had picked up the menu whilst Edgeworth seemed like he was mentally kicking himself.

This mission seems almost impossible if Edgeworth keeps acting like this.

Edgeworth looked up from his menu to see Phoenix looking back at him. He smiled softly at the attorney who then went back to looking at his menu, dragging his finger across each item in a hurried state. Shaking his head, Edgeworth returned to his and considered the options laid bare in front of him.

I smiled, newfound hope filling me up.

But moments like these make it seem not impossible at all.

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