Chapter 16

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*tap tap tap tap tap*

Where is he? He should be here by now.

I looked at the clock. 10:42 AM.

This is ridiculous. He's over an hour late!

I sat restlessly on the couch, tapping absentmindedly on my phone. 

*tap tap tap tap tap* *click*

I stopped. A noise came from the door. I sat silently, waiting for the person to enter. A little later, silent shuffling could be heard before a head peeked around the corner.

"Oh, uh... Hi, Maya. Where's Pearls? And sorry I'm la—"

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" I jumped up and stormed over to Phoenix. "Do you know how long I've been waiting?!"

He held his hands up in defense. "M-Maya! Please calm down!"

"No! I will not calm down until you've told me everything. Why you're late, why you didn't text or call me after, and!" I dragged him over to the couch, pushing him down then sitting opposite him, "everything that happened last night!"

Phoenix remained where he was, sprawled out on the couch, seemingly in shock. After a while of intense staring, he released the breath he had been holding and patted his chest.

"For a moment, I thought you were really upset."

"I AM UPSET!" I roared. "Why didn't you text me about what happened?! I had to wait all night and all day to finally talk to you!"

"Actually, you didn't wait all day—"

I fixed him with a glare. "Don't interrupt." He shut his mouth and sat rigid in his seat. "Good. Now, since I've been waiting for an eternity to hear about last night's happenings, you have to tell me everything. Every. Single. Detail. Right down to what underwear you both wore last night."

"MAYA!" Phoenix's face flushed red. "We did nothing of what you're thinking of! All we did was talk and have dinner. That's all."

"Hm, is that so?" I peered into his eyes, a mischievous grin forming on my face, "I could've sworn Pearly and I saw you two touching each other..." I was lying of course, but I wanted to see what reaction he'd have.

Almost immediately his face turned a darker shade of red. "It must've been your imagination. I don't know what you're talking about. Nothing like that happened."

His words came out in a rush, it was difficult to understand what he was saying. But, looking at him now, it was obvious that he was hiding something. Something to do with the two of them touching...

"Nick~" Trying to look endearing to him, I asked, "Did you do something with Edgeworth?"

I don't know how much more red a person can get, but Phoenix appears to have reached a whole new level. His brain must be malfunctioning inside as he pulled a cushion up and fell back into the corner of the couch, curling up into a small ball.


I tapped his leg. "What was that? I can't hear you from behind the cushion."

He shook his head no. "I don't want to."

Laughing at his childish behaviour, I pulled the cushion out of his tight grip. "What did you do, Nick? You can tell me."


I froze. "You....kissed?"

He nodded. I sat there, still frozen, with the cushion still in my hand. I eventually pulled the cushion close to me and held tight.

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