Chapter 13

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The drive back was, if anything, interesting. It was a good interesting though, nothing bad happened...much.

Pearl, who sat in the front passenger seat, was fiddling around with the controls and buttons of the centre console, much to the dismay of the detective who swerved hard on the road when she turned the radio's volume to max. Our ears are still ringing, I'm sure, and I think Pearl learned her lesson. She hasn't touched any more buttons. 

On the other hand, the detective had begun to speed up with no warning. His rapid turning flung the three of us in the back left and right at every corner. I honestly didn't think the office was as far away as the distance we had travelled, but the detective sure was taking a long time to get there. Still, a good thing came out of it...

"Detective! Do you think you could drive a little more slowly? Or more carefully?!" Phoenix and I slammed into Edgeworth. He gritted his teeth and furrowed his brow, holding tight to the door's handle before being flung left into Phoenix who bashed into me. "There is no need to rush your driving!"

"Sorry, Sir, change of plans! I forgot to tell you that you have a meeting today and it's in 9 minutes!" Gumshoe took another sharp turn, hurtling us back into Edgeworth.

"Nick, I don't think these seatbelts are doing much in keeping us safe."

"I think the main problem is Gumshoe's driving. Gumshoe, do you know how far unti—"

Gumshoe had taken another fast corner, only this was a much wider turn. Cars were honking and pedestrians were hugging the street walls in fear.

I don't know what's worse. Being a passenger or one of the people out there!

The blaring of the car horns had Pearl blocking her ears and ducking her head. I sympathised with her and tried to comfort her by extending my arm. Instead, I was knocked back into my seat, the air taken out of me, as Gumshoe sped the car up. I gasped and attempted to sit upright, accidentally kicking one of Phoenix's leg that was on my side of the car.

"Sorry, Nick!" I quickly apologised. 

No response.


Oh. My. Gosh.

Phoenix had fallen onto Edgeworth, one arm gripping his arm, the other wrapped tightly around his waist. Edgeworth held protectively onto Phoenix with his free arm, his eyes wide in shock whilst Phoenix's eyes were glued to the floor. Both their faces were turning from pink to red, but neither were showing any signs of moving.

I wanted to scream so badly.

Where's my phone, where's my phone, where's my phone?!

I fished my phone from one of my pockets and quickly took a picture before either noticed. As I slid my phone back into my pocket, Phoenix was the first to recover and pushed himself away.

"S-sorry, Edgeworth. I, I didn't mean to..."

"Don't worry about it, Wright." He turned away with a huff. "Detective! I don't care if I'm late to this meeting just please stop this reckless driving!"


The car came to a halt outside the Prosecutor's Office. Gumshoe shot out of his seat and opened Edgeworth's door, standing to attention. "Sir!"

With a sigh, Edgeworth unbuckled his seatbelt. He exited and made his way to the building's entrance, turning briefly to apologise for the car ride. We watched him disappear as the detective re-entered the car. "Sorry about all that. It was important that Mr. Edgeworth got to his meeting as soon as possible."

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