Chapter 2

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Hm... Another trial today. Nick looks amazing as always. He doesn't seem to be the least bit scared.

A man in a blue suit sits upon the lobby's couch. Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright looks through some files scattered across the lobby table, his eyes glossing over every word and his pale white hands shaking with each turn of a page.

Scratch that. He looks like he's about to faint. I approach him cautiously, careful not to scare him.

"Nick, are you okay? You look a bit pale."

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine! Doing great!"

You're obviously not. There are beads of sweat on your forehead, for goodness sake. I place a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. You've done this plenty of times, after all!"

"I suppose, but this is the first case I've had in a while. I feel really unprepared..."

"Oh, don't be silly, Nick! You've got everything you need! And you have me and Pearly cheering you on. Right, Pearly?"

Pearl jumps up, smiling. "Yeah! We're here for you, Mr. Nick!"

"Thanks, you guys. I know I can count on you two."

He returns to reading his files, occasionally turning back a few pages because he missed reading some details.

Well, he looks a little more relaxed now. All we can do now is wait.

The entrance to the lobby open, and in walks a tall man in a crimson red suit with frills decorating his neck. Determined footsteps echo down the hall as the man approaches the group, standing in front of the downcast attorney.

"Mr. Wright."

Phoenix shot up from his slouched position and meets the other eye to eye. "Edgeworth! Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to wish you luck," Edgeworth said with a smug smile, "and by the way you look, I'd say you're in dire need of some."

"Heh heh, you're right there, Edgeworth..." Phoenix rubbed the back of his neck, pink dusting his cheeks.

Edgeworth extended his index finger knowingly. "Although based on previous trials, that's all you've ever depended on."

Phoenix turned a deep shade of red. "Really, Edgeworth? You had to go that far?"

I look between the two men. These two. Honestly, they're such children. But what's with Nick? He's acting a bit strange. And are we being ignored?! Not if I can help it!

"Heya, Edgeworth! You're not forgetting us, are you?"

Edgeworth turns and bows towards us. "Good morning to you two. You both are looking well today." He stands up straight and crosses his arms. "In regards to your question, Miss Maya, I'd think it impossible to forget a pair of characters such as yourself and young Miss Fey here."

"Really?" I put a hand to the side of my head before smiling cheekily. "Well, what if we wore disguises? Think you'd forget us then?"

Phoenix sighs and shakes his head. "Maya, regardless if you wore a disguise or not, we'd still be able to recognise you. Forgetting you is, as Edgeworth said, near impossible."

"Indeed." Edgeworth taps his finger on the side of his arm, agreeing with Phoenix who looked both surprised and embarrassed.

"Hm... Well, I'd rather not be forgotten anyway. But wearing disguises would be cool! What do you think, Pearly?"

I look towards Pearl, but she seemed to be staring intently betwen Phoenix and Edgeworth. Is there something wrong? Before I can ask her about it, Edgeworth interrupts the silence.


"Hm?" Phoenix was doing his best to hide his embarrassment by flicking through today's case files.

"The trial. It's about to start."

"It is? Agh! It is! Okay, wish me luck everyone!"

"Good luck, Nick!"

"Good luck, Mr. Nick!"

And with that, he was gone. Edgeworth appeared to be walking towards the gallery. Good. All that's left to do is to see how the trial goes, but first...

"Hey, Pearly."

"Yes, Mystic Maya?"

"Are you okay? You look a bit troubled."

"I do? Well, it's just..." Pearl had her thumb under her lip. "Do you think Mr. Nick likes Mr. Eh-ji-worth?"

"Wha-! What makes you say that?" Needless to say, I was shocked. I didn't expect her to ask such a question, especially now of all times.

"I don't know, but when Mr. Eh-ji-worth talks to him, Mr. Nick's face goes red and he can't talk right."

I think about what Pearl just said and think further back to all the times Edgeworth and Nick had been together. It was certainly true that their interactions have been somewhat strange, more so when they are isolated together. Not that I'm meant to know these things buuuut... I've had a few sneak peaks here and there to see what they've been doing and what they were discussing. And on each of those occasions, Nick had been a bit flustered by the taller man, although that may be due to Edgeworth's unrelenting glare. Nevertheless, it is still rather weird.

"I suppose you're right. They are pretty close. They have known each other since childhood too."

"They have?"

"Yeah! That's the whole reason why Nick became an attorney in the first place! To be with Edgewor-!" I paused mid sentence. Oh. My. God. That can't possibly be the reason, can it?! After all, they are rivals! But what if it was true? What if....

"Pearl, tell me! They'd make a cute couple, wouldn't they?! They've known each other since childhood and Nick would do anything to be with Edgeworth, wouldn't he?! Can you imagine them together?! It'd be perfect! Nick's carefree spirit paired with Edgeworth's old stick-in-the-mud personality. They'd be amazing together!"

Even though I couldn't see myself, I knew for sure there were literal stars in my eyes. My heart was soaring at the possibility of those two being together. It just seemed so perfect!

Pearl looked at me, confused. "But I thought you and Mr. Nick were going to be together..."

Now it was my turn to look confused. "Pearly! I thought you said you stopped trying to get me and Nick together?"

Pearl giggled. "I did! But that doesn't mean you two aren't great together!"

I sighed. So much for trying to stop that fantasy world of hers. "Alright. Let's start making plans to get Nick and Edgeworth together, okay?"

Pearl jumped up and down with glee. "Okay! If it makes you happy, then I'm happy! They do sound perfect for each other, though. They might even make a greater pair than you and Mr. Nick!"

I laughed whilst shaking my head, taking Pearl's hand in mine. We made our way towards the gallery, excitedly talking to each other about our plans to make this all work out.

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