Chapter 23

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*Steel Samurai Theme ringtone plays*

"Hmmm...." C'mon, Nick, pick up the phone!

"Humm...." Pearl stands beside me, copying my stare and hum.

"........" Phoenix pretends to not notice us or his phone, drinking quietly from his cup with the occasional twitch of an eyebrow at our incessant humming.

*Ringtone continues playing*



".....Fine! I give up!" Phoenix picked up his phone and answered with exasperation. "Hello, Miles, is there something you want?"

"Told you it was him!"

"Shhh!" Phoenix hissed at me.

We had been watching him all morning, hearing his phone go on and off for almost 5 minutes. It was obvious that it was Edgeworth calling him, but he never once picked it up! The reason for it? Apparently he lost a bet with Edgeworth and had waited a week for his punishment. As self-elected vice president of the 'Getting Nick and Edgeworth Together Club', it is my duty to make sure he carries out whatever punishment Edgeworth gives him (and indulge myself with the embarrassingly cute moments they share).

"What? Are you sure about that? How am I going to—" he turned away and lowered his voice—"uh, keep this a secret from you know who?"

Pearl and I cocked our heads at one another. Phoenix's eyes darted between me and his conversation as he walked around the room, looking out the window and checking his planner. "Okay, Thursday it is then. I'll meet you there at 11:30, right? .... What? No! No, you don't have to come pick me up. I'll be just fine walking there, trust me. .... Okay, you can come pick me up. Yes, you can come earlier if you want to. Yes, you can bring breakfast too. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, I understand."

Phoenix caught a glimpse of us visibly shaking behind his door. Rolling his eyes, he asked, "Is that everything? There's nothing else you'd like to say to me that I'll end up saying yes to anyways?"

It was as if time had stopped as Pearl and I kept watch of Phoenix's rapidly changing face. Everything around him was frozen except for the colour of his cheeks turning pink, and the ever so slow movement of his arm taking the phone away from his ear and falling into his chair. He drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair, eyes closed shut in deep concentration.

I shared a look with Pearl, shrugging at the unknown cause of Phoenix's embarrassment. Making our way inside we tapped Phoenix on the shoulder, causing him to jump in his seat. "So, Nick! What did Edgeworth talk to you about? Did he ask you on another date, perhaps?"

"N-nothing of the sort!" he shouted, voice cracking. "He was, uh, just asking if I could... if I could... meet up with him and discuss a few things about a case he's on."

"Edgeworth asking for your help on a case he's working on?"

Phoenix sheepishly looked away. "Unbelievable, right?"

"Completely," I replied, turning him around to face us. "Whatever he said must've been really sweet or personal between you two because you have no idea how pink you turned, Nick! You were as pink as the colour of Pearly's habits!"

"That's really pink, Mr. Nick!" Pearl chimed in happily.

"Yeah, it is." He scratched the back of his head. "It was nothing serious though, Maya. I'll concede and say yes, he did ask me to go out with him, but it was under strict order that I don't tell anyone else of where we're going."

"But, Mr. Nick, how are we supposed to help you and make sure you don't look silly to Mr. Eh-ji-worth?"

"Don't worry, I won't make myself to look like a fool in front of him."

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