Special Episode

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Dear Phoenix,

You are like a white carnation.
Pure, Innocent, Charming

These things
Are what draw me into you
The perfume to your magnificent beauty

Hidden within a garden of colour
of blossoming passion
you are the flower I seek most

You are the flower I tend to
The flower I cherish even more than my own life
You are the flower I desire 
More than anything else in this world

if you'd be so willing
become my precious flower

Sincerely, Your Admirer

Dear Phoenix,

You are the most extraordinary man I've ever met.
You are as clear as a musical note and as sincere as a song's melody.

Your voice is the music that plays inside my head since the day we first met
Spinning and running wild as I chase fervently after it
Wanting to hear more and more of you.

I was caught in your hypnotic song of allurement
And have not been freed since.

I hope to one day hear that same song be sung next to me
With me
Marking the end of my earnest pursuit for you.

Sincerely, Your Admirer

Dear Phoenix,

Forgive me for approaching this letter with a worn-out poem, but I could think of no other way to convey my love to you. I am, after all, a hopeless romantic.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Do you really
love me too?

On days when the sun is bright
And the world is basked in its hue
My heart continuously beats
And beats just for you

At night when I look up
I see your shades of blue
I can see our stars align
Can you see them too?

Whenever I see you
Your smile is bright
You are perfect to me
Phoenix Wright

Sincerely, Your Admirer

Dear Phoenix,

Have you any idea how much I want you? Here, in my arms, your body next to mine? I want to wrap my arms around you and hold you tight, never letting you go. I want you to be mine and no one else's. These feelings I've kept in my heart, they are all because of you. Because of you, my heart skips a beat. Because of you, I am stripped bare of everything that I once thought were dear to me. Because of you, I am left with one, singular thought:


Sincerely, Your Admirer

Dear Phoenix,

When you decided you would help me with my pain, my sorrow, I knew I would never forget that look of determination in your beautiful oceanic eyes. When you saved me from the hammer of guilt, the overwhelming sadness within me vanished. To this day, I could never describe the happiness that filled me, the familiar aura of your kind, caring and euphoric smile shining down on me. Your very being was what saved me from that guilt, from that sadness that held me down so long. As much as I say this in each of my letters, I will never tire from telling you this one thing:

I love you ♡

Sincerely, Your Admirer

Dear Phoenix,

Do you remember that day
That day in grade school?

You were accused
Accused of a crime you would never dare to commit.

I was hurt when I saw you.
Your dear, sweet face
Filled with a sorrow and fear unlike any that I had ever seen before.
Your body trembled
Positively screaming out for help.

Maybe it was because I saw you in that state
Or maybe I had fallen for you at that moment
But I stepped up.

I stepped up and proved them wrong.
I brought to light their mistakes and misgivings
A moral display of how everything they did was wrong.
And at the same time
I exhibited my love for you.

In that moment
I alleviated the pain you felt
The distrust of those around you.

In that moment
I pledged to myself that I'll continue to do the same
The same for as long as I live.

As a knight in shining armour ventures
Far and wide to save his damsel in distress
I will do also for you.

Know that no matter what
I'll always be by your side.

Sincerely, Miles

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