Chapter 15

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Ah, this is great. It's a nice night out, there aren't too many people on the street, and on top of it all...

Looking over, I see Phoenix messing with his hair and clothes, doing his best to be as presentable as possible.

I get to see Nick flustered about a small date! I'm surprised though that it's taken this long for him to be nervous. He seemed alright at the picnic.

"Maya, Pearl, how do I look? Is this alright? Should I change anything? Maybe I should go back and change. What if it's not enough? What if it's too much? What if—"

"Stop right there, Nick. You are fine. There is nothing to worry about, you look great, and this is only a small date. No need to get too worked up."

"But Maya—"



"Mr. Nick, listen to Mystic Maya. You'll be fine. Pretend it's just your usual trip to the stand with Mr. Eh-ji-worth."

"But that's the thing. It's not my usual trip. This time it'll be different."


"OW! Maya!"

"I'm sorry, Nick, but you need to get it in your head that this is not any different as all the times you've gone before. You and Edgeworth will be going as friends, eating as friends, and talking as friends. If you decide to continue on and go further than friends, then by all means do it. You already know that he likes you and I'm sure by now that he knows you like him too."

"Wait, he knows too?!"



"Mr. Nick, pay attention!"

"Y-yes, Pearls."

I sighed as we continued walking down the path leading to Eldoon's Noodle Stand. We were still quite a ways off but it won't be long till we arrive. "Nick, just remember. You don't have to do anything extra to win his favour. You've already won him over by being yourself so just go there and be your normal, everyday, mundane self."

"Mundane?! How am I mundane?!"

I left the question hanging in the air. It would be too much trouble to answer him now that we were nearing the stand. Wouldn't want him to worry too much about it. 

But by leaving it, I am making him worry more...oh well.

Moving further along the path, the noodle stand comes into sight. Looking around though, I don't see anyone. "It looks like Edgeworth hasn't arrived yet. No one is sitting at the stand either which is good. Who knows how you'll behave with others around."

"Hehe, yeah." Phoenix answered with uncertainty in his voice, scratching the side of his face nervously.

"Oh, come on! You've been preparing all day! There is nothing wrong, nothing will go wrong, and absolutely nothing will happen to make it go wrong. Pearl and I will make sure of that."

"That's right! We'll be keeping an eye on things, Mr. Nick!"

"Uh, thanks guys. I guess I should be happy that I've got you two looking out for me, although it may be a bit much."

"Hey! Do you want our help or not?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then stop talking and get over there!" I shoved him from behind and watched him stumble his way to the stand.

Just in time too. Edgeworth just arrived as well.

Compared to Phoenix's somewhat casual attire, Edgeworth still wore his suit and appeared to be apologising to Phoenix for some reason.

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