Chapter 25

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Thursday 12, 11:04 AM
Phoenix Wright's Apartment

Arriving at 11 like he said, Miles had brought the promised breakfast and set it out on the table. We were happily eating in silence—well, I'd say we were happy except that I could barely concentrate on my food.

"Is there something wrong? You've hardly touched your food," Miles said, pointing at my still-full plate with his fork.

"I'm fine! I'm just a bit nervous and excited for today. It's the first time we've properly gone somewhere and had time to ourselves. Without other people getting involved, I mean."

"Mhm, I know what you mean." He dabbed at his mouth with a napkin and pushed his near-empty plate away. Moving slightly closer to me, Miles picked up my fork and stabbed at a piece of food before holding it to my face. "It'd be a waste for me to bring this food and then for you to not eat it."

"Don't embarrass yourself, Miles," I said, pushing his hand away. "I'll eat but you don't have to do this."

I tried taking the fork out of his hands but he moved away and kept it out of reach. "I'm not embarrassing myself. You're the one turning red although I haven't the faintest idea why."

"Hrmm..." I pouted at his smirk, lunging for the fork and missing. "You want me to eat but at this rate neither of us will finish our meals. So give. It. Back!"

"How about no?" Standing up, he took both my fork and my plate to the other side of the table. Still smiling, he raised the fork to my mouth once again. "The only reason why none of us will finish our meals is because you continue to act like a child."

"You're the one treating me like a child."

"Rightly so. Now open wide and eat before it gets too cold."

Looking between the food and Miles' face, I smiled and opened my mouth. Just as Miles was going to feed me, I picked up his forgotten fork and ate his food, munching happily at his confusion. I moaned in delight. "This food is delicious, Miles! I don't know why I didn't eat sooner!"

"Well, rather than eating my food—" he took his plate away from me and brought it to his side—"why don't you have your food?"

"I don't know if you've noticed, Miles, but you're currently holding my food hostage. If you want me to eat it, then pass it to me."

"I'll give it to you if you let me feed you."

"Why are you so desperate to feed me like this?"

"I'm not desperate. I want to find out why couples do this to each other so often."

"That's your only reason?"

He didn't say anything. He simply lifted the fork to my face and nudged it closer. Rolling my eyes at how childish he was being, I opened my mouth and took the food. As I ate, I could've sworn I heard a delighted hum from Miles but didn't say anything. For the rest of the meal, I continued to eat what he fed me until it was all gone. 

After we had cleared the table and cleaned the plates, Miles led me outside to his car. Being the gentleman he is, he opened and closed the door for me before getting to his side of the car, allowing me time to get comfortable. This whole day was a surprise for me by which I didn't know where we were going or what we were doing, but knowing Miles, he's probably thought about the date very carefully.

Thursday 12, 12:15 PM
Westland Mall 3F

"Um... Edgeworth?"

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