Chapter 3

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I was running down the halls with Pearl following behind. The trial had just finished and Phoenix had won yet again. Our excitement had been brewing ever since the Judge was going to announce the "not guilty" verdict, but it wasn't just for his win. We had created a plan that was completely foolproof! So much so, even Franziska von Karma couldn't say how foolishly foolish it was.

As we neared closer to Phoenix, we burst forward and crashed right into him, knocking him down and embracing him into a hug.

"Nick, you did it! You won the case!"

"Congratualtions, Mr. Nick! I knew you could do it!"

Phoenix chuckled. "Did you ever doubt me about losing this case?"

"Of course not! But if I recall correctly, you were doubting yourself just before the trial began," I retorted.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks for encouraging me though. You too, Pearls."

"I'll always support you, Mr. Nick! Even in your love life with Miste-"

"Pearly! Shh!" That was close! I gave her a look, hopefully conveying to her not to say anything about our plans or Mr. Edgeworth.

"I, I mean I'll support you in your love life with Mystic Maya." Pearl gave an innocent smile, putting her hands on her face for added effect.

Perfect! Even Nick can't deny how convincing she is!

Phoenix looked between the two girls, confusion written all over his face. His expression changed when a hand reached out to him, along with a voice laced with minor concern and annoyance.

"Do you need a hand getting up or are you alright living on the ground?"

"Oh uh, thanks, Edgeworth. I didn't expect to be tackled to the ground but I guess I underestimated them."

I watch Phoenix take Edgeworth's hand and proceed to pick myself and Pearl off the floor. Our plan is working! Now onto the next step.

I give Pearl a wink and receive one back. Moving forward, I cut between the two and grab hold of each of their hand."Come on, guys! Let's go celebrate! I, for one, would love to have some burgers! After that trial, I'm completely famished!"

Phoenix smiles and shakes his head. "Maya, you're always in the mood for burgers."

I clasped my hands together. "Of course I am! I'll never not be in the mood for burgers! What about you, Edgeworth? Are you going to join us?"

Edgeworth gave a look of defiance. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll join in your 'celebratory burgers'. I have much work that requires my attention so if you'll excuse me, I will take my leave."

Oh no, that's not good. We need him!

"But Edgeworth..." I look over at Phoenix. His face was disheartened as he spoke. It was obvious that he'd given up trying to get Edgeworth to join. I need to do something about this!

"Mr. Eh-ji-worth, do you really have to go?" Pearl was facing the ground, her lip wobbling as she asked the question.

"I'm afraid so, Miss Fey. I have important business to attend to." It wasn't completely obvious, but the pained expression on Edgeworth's face told me we were close to reeling him in.

"Please, Edgeworth, come join us. I promise you, you will enjoy yourself! And besides, you wouldn't want to hurt poor Pearly's feelings, would you?" I gave a small smile to Pearl and she looked up at Edgeworth, doing her best to look as sad as possible. Wow, she even has tears trailing down her face. This is too easy!

Again, that pained expression washed over his face before he gave an exasperated sigh."Fine. I'll tag along to your celebration."

"Really?! You will?! Hooray!" I fist-pumped the air before grabbing hold of Phoenix's arm. "Nick, you'll be paying for this lunch, won't you?"

"Wh-what?!" Dumbfounded, no other audible words left his gaping mouth.

"Well, I'm obviously not paying for it and Pearly here can't for obvious reasons. Edgeworth is definitely not allowed to pay because he's our guest! So that just leaves you!" I smile sweetly and begin dragging him out of the courthouse, his heels digging into the ground as we went.

"B-but, Maya, I don't have the money to pay for this kind of thing! Maybe we should do something else? Something a little less expensive..."

"Wright, please don't tell me you can't even afford to buy a burger." Edgeworth said, disdainfully.

I hope he doesn't change his mind about coming with us, but does Nick really not have enough money?

"Uh, Nick. You don't really mean that, do you?"

Phoenix looked to the ground, avoiding eye contact. "That case just now was enough to pay for rent and essentials, but nothing more. Sorry, guys..."

But... What about our plan? What about our burgers?!

"I'll pay for the meal."

I, and everyone else, looked at Edgeworth, shocked.

"You pay for the meal, Edgeworth?" I questioned. Why would he want to pay for it?

Phoenix waved his arms in front of him, sweat forming on his head. "Edgeworth, you don't have to pay! We don't have to go anywhere special either! It's just another trial, no big deal."

"I'm going to pay and that's final. You've already brought me this far so I might as well follow through with it. And you wouldn't want to upset poor Pearly here, would you?"

He gave a sly smile to which Phoenix turned pale and shook his head. I turned to Pearl and saw the confusion in her eyes before she smiled brightly.

"Thank you, Mr. Eh-ji-worth!"

Edgeworth looked down to her and gave a small smile. "Not at all, Miss Fey. It'll be my pleasure."

Both Phoenix and I gasped.

He...he smiled... He actually smiled! Oh my god, he smiled! Pearly, I am so happy you are my cousin!

I knelt down and gave her the biggest hug I could possibly give.

"You are amazing!" I whispered.

"Thank you, Mystic Maya!" was the reply and we both continued to hug.

Meanwhile, Phoenix was still in shock by what he just saw. A tap on the shoulder from someone behind him was enough to bring him back to reality. "What? Who's there?"

"Nicky! You're so mean to ignore me! How can you do that to someone like me?! I'm your number one best friend, remember?!"

I looked up and saw the man standing behind Phoenix. He wore an orange jacket and had spiky, brown hair. Rivers of tears flowed down his face as he bawled his eyes out.

This can only be one person...

The Butz.

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