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Yay! Q&A! So I'm going to answer questions in 2 separate ways; author's answer and character's answer.

Author's answer will be to explain why I chose to have certain things happen. Disclaimer that some of my ideas did occur in the moment while others had a bit more thought, haha!

Character's answer will be why they acted the way they did in line with their personality. Granted, it won't be the exact way they would act but the way I've portrayed them throughout the story. (I would also like to note that even though I've called it 'character's answer', it doesn't mean that it'll be answered by the character.)

That being said, some questions won't have 2 answers since they may not apply. I hope you like my answers 'cause I'm not the best at explaining things but hey! Thank you to the people who do ask questions and I hope my answers are satisfactory! (If they aren't then please tell me and I'll revise my answers. Thank you!)

Why was Maya so intent on looking how the relationship of Nick and Edgeworth?

Character's Answer:
Who wouldn't be interested in the relationship of Phoenix and Edgeworth? But to answer your question, Maya knows that without some intervention on her part neither Phoenix or Edgeworth will attempt to get together. Even if they did, they'd take forever to do so. Reasons for her to be constantly spying on them is to make sure they (specifically Phoenix) doesn't screw up and mess up their dates. Not to mention that Pearl played a big part in their spying as well as Gumshoe, so Maya felt obliged in some way to "help out". She was also very interested because she thought their interactions would be cute and adorable and everything good, so who can blame her?

Author's Answer: 
The simple answer would be to say that there would be no story without Maya being so intent on their relationship. The story, after all, is mainly told from her perspective and between Pearl and Maya, she was the easiest and the most interesting to write about. Her personality offered a lot of flexibility in any given or upcoming situation, and it was very easy for me to imagine her reactions to the various things that happened throughout the story. So when it came to her becoming passionate about Phoenix's relationship with Edgeworth, I had no difficulty imagining her being a super fangirl and going over the top with ideas for dates, but also taking things very seriously when things became dire. (Or at least I hope she did. Looking back on the story makes me think she never did, but I don't know.)

Which one of the letter chapters is canon to the story? (The NSFW or the SFW)

Author's Answer:
Ohohoho, this is an interesting one! For those who only read the SFW chapter, don't worry. You didn't miss anything in the NSFW chapter (and I doubt you'd want to know what happens anyway XD). So determining which one is canon... the answer is both! 

The direction the story was going made me want to do something special. I've said before how the story was mainly being told from Maya's pov, so this was a chance to write something separate to the story but still in line with it. Both are canon to the story since I imagined Edgeworth to not only write about his pining love for Phoenix, but also other certain things that I will not mention XD. 

For anyone who didn't catch on to what happened in Chapter 20, Maya stole Phoenix's phone in the beginning and looked at his messages. She gets embarrassed and starts yelling at Phoenix about what he's been up to with Edgeworth. (Again, if you chose not to read the NSFW chapter, you're not missing out on anything. I should've explained in the chapter that the text messages she reads is the conversation between Phoenix and Edgeworth about NSFW content. Sorry for not making this known earlier, but at least now you have some idea of what the messages were about, haha!)

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