Chapter 1

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"Mystic Maya! Mystic Maya!"

A small girl in a pink kimono comes running towards me, her mouth open in a broad smile.

"Hey, Pearly! What is it?"

"I have a letter for you. It's from Mr. Nick!"

She brings one of her hands from behind her back to reveal a small piece of folded paper. As I take the paper from her, she places her hands on her cheeks, eyes twinkling. "It's probably a love note to you, Mystic Maya!"

Nick, writing a love letter? He wouldn't, would he? "I wonder what he wrote..."

I unfold the paper, surprised by the words written upon it.

To Mystic Maya

I think you are butifull and prity. I love you. I hope you wil be mine forever.

From Nick

I read the paper over again and smiled at each carefully, scrawled out word, written in an array of colours. There was even a small, pink heart drawn in the corner of the page. This has to be one of the sweetest letters I've ever received!


"Yes, Mystic Maya?" Her face was positively beaming as she waited for a response, hope filling her eyes.

"Nick didn't write this, did he? You did."

Pearl gasped. "H-how did you know?"

I showed her the note. "Well, for one, he wouldn't call me 'Mystic Maya'."


"And second," I gestured to all the words, "it's written in crayon. Nick would never write in crayon."

"He wouldn't?"

"Nope! He's always carrying a pen or pencil on him. It would be unusual if he wrote all his reports and notes in crayon."

"Oh." Pearl looked to the ground. She looked like she was about to cry. I knelt down to her level and smiled.

"Now, Pearly, I know you mean well in trying to get me and Nick together, but we're just friends."

She looked at me, shocked. "What do you mean?! Mr. Nick is your knight in shining armour! He's the only one for you!"

"Oh, Pearly! You're just so sweet at times." I hugged her before moving away and looking into her face. "I appreciate what you're trying to do for us but we don't feel that way towards each other, okay? We're just friends!"

She placed her thumb under her lip. "Just...friends?"

I nodded and smiled at her. I hope she understands what I mean. There really is nothing between Nick and I. If there was, I'm sure he would've said something by now. Not to mention that I have someone else in mind that I like...

"Okay. I'll try not to help you and Mr. Nick together..." Pearl looked to be struggling with accepting our friendship. She's too cute to be upset about this. I must stop her sadness!

"Thanks, Pearly. I know you'll do your best! Besides, I'm not really looking for someone to be with right now. Instead, let's concentrate on growing in our powers!"

Pearl's face brightened up at that. "Okay, Mystic Maya! Let's go con...zen...trate together!"

"That's the spirit, Pearly!" I gave out a hearty laugh, as did Pearl.

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