Chapter 1: Run Fast

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Rainbow Dash allowed her feet to pound senselessly and rapidly into the dirt and mud surrounding the woods. Her legs burned as well as her lungs but she didn't care. She needed to run. The wind stung her cheeks and blew her hair back. Her hair that defined and would cause her life to be turned upside-down. Sweet Celestia, she hated her multi-coloured hair! Suddenly the ground disappeared beneath her feet! "What the? Ahh!" Rainbow cried as her body hit the downside of a hill and she rolled all the way down to the base. Due to her speed, Rainbow kept flying off and re-hitting the ground lower and lower which caused a lot more bruises. "Owwww..." She groaned as she opened her eyes to see the grass blades and flowers.

Trying to stand up Rainbow yelled out in pain as she fell to knees once more. Looking down she saw that her entire right kneecap was covered in blood. A lot of blood. There was a shard of glass sticking out of the wound and a plant root wrapped around her feet. The root must've been the cause of her fall. Bruises were starting to cover her arms and legs while her face was covered in mud. Resting on her undamaged knee, Rainbow moved her hands to the shard and gave a sharp gasp as she pulled it out. A third of it was covered in blood and her fingers had already been stained. Her anger welled inside at the pain and blood this little piece of glass had caused. She felt filled with rage at how unfair her life was at that moment and her hair began to burn. That burn spread from her hair, down her arm and into her hand where the glass shard combusted into thin air. Her fingertips tingled as the fire left and Rainbow felt ashamed for it was the uncontrollability of her powers that caused this mess in the first place. "Stupid litterers..." Rainbow grumbled as she removed the root from around her ankles. The blood still pooled from her knee however it didn't feel as painful anymore.

Checking that she was alone, like alone alone, Rainbow knelt down slightly so that her knee was closer to her face. Sighing, she moved her hair so it was over her knee and started to sing: "Rainbow, Rainbow, glimmer and shine. Listen to me for I command what's mine. Burn, copy, glow and heal; dampen, storm and steal." Rainbow felt the familiar urge rush from the top of her hair to the tips as the wind picked up and her hair wrapped itself around her knee. Both knee and hair started to glow green as a warmth spread through her; after a moment her hair went back to its original position and her knee was fully healed. She did have some control over her abilities but only a few.

Her fury returned as she hated how dependent she was on her powers. Albeit Rainbow was in the middle of the woods and needing medical attention however she refused to admit when she needed help. Growling, Rainbow broke into another run, faster, harder than before until she broke through the trees and stopped at the top of a hill. The fresh air filled her lungs and managed to clear her head slightly. Her pocket had remained heavy since this morning when her mother gave her the letter. "I know that this will be a shock to you but it's important that you read this with an open mind." Windy Whistles words echoed in the back of her mind. It weighed her down, slowed her down. That was something that she didn't want.

The sky was as blue as her skin yet her guitar was a deeper blue. Pulling her beloved instrument out of her bag, Rainbow checked that it was tuned before she started to strum. The melodies she could create were like a thunder storm or rushing waterfall but right now she needed something different. As with everything in her life, the tempo was quick but it soothed her nonetheless. The tune floated on the air, carried around the woods where animals stopped to listen. As the final cord was struck, Rainbow took a deep breath and opened her eyes and gasped.

Surrounding her were a variety of creatures, great and small, looking at her in awe. "Ugh!" She started to wave her hands at the creatures. "Shoo, go away! I'm not Fluttershy! I don't understand you!" Rainbow slumped to her knees and held out her hand to stroke the hummingbird that landed beside her. "It's not that I don't like you, I'm just not in the mood for company right now. You're lucky that you're just a bird, you haven't got the weight of the world on your shoulders. You can just fly away from your problems at lightning speed. I never thought I would need to use my powers like that." She ran her fingers over the blue geo necklace that granted her pony powers. Lately they seemed to have taken a step back in favour of her past. Rainbow caressed the back of the bird before it hummed at her and flew away. "Yeah, you don't understand me at all. Okay! Never mind! I've got to get back to Sweet Apple Acres before they start to miss me." Standing up, Rainbow brushed the underside of her leggings as the animals began to scatter. "Adiós!" She waved at them before activating her speed and racing back in the direction she came.

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