Chapter 19: Obsidia

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A Spirit of Darkness. A harbinger of doom. The supposed end of the world. She had had many names throughout her very long life but Obsidia didn't let it bother her how others percieved her. Her entire life had been constructed around how people chose to percieve her and her abilities. The Colour Gods of old had taken a disliking to Obsidia's powers and tried to shun her for it. In return, she descimated their entire way of life and any surviving believers in them. It had taken many a millennia for Obsidia to complete her plan. When Moonshadow had turned on their people, they had created an opportunity. An opportunity that she was eager to fill with her devious plan.

Many would call her a monster or a tyrannical God of old. She hadn't been born into the world and then immediately decide she wanted to destroy it. No one was ever born evil. However the world needed a villain to take over the dark, twisty and chaotic side of it. And someone with an affinity to the darker, nighttime and solitary aspects to life fitted the bill perfectly. It was complete nonsense and utterly unfair. But who would ever argue with the wise and powerful rulings of a God? Well, another God for one. Eternal and omnipotent beings didn't always like each other for some unexplained reason. They wanted her to be their enemy so they could prove that light and friendship and all of the sickeningly sweet things like that would forever beat the forces of evil. However power makes people complacent and these Gods were the embodiment of such a word. Obsidia grew to have as much power as they did and she honed her skills. While they sat back on clouds and floated on rainbows, she practised and grew in her strengths.

When the Colour Gods tried to prove their superiority over her, they were woefully unprepared for the challenge she posed. With a few easy spells, Obsidia decimated the Colour Gods and their magic. Trapping them in the bland, dull colours of the world she had been forced to govern, she was now free to control the world which had shunned and criminalised her. The looks on their faces had brought pure joy to her as she watched all of their beliefs and feelings of the world vanish as she bested them in combat.

Afterwards, Obsidia wasn't sure what do to now that her competition had been eliminated from the world. However, in the days and weeks that followed, she began to hear the reverend pleas of people for the Gods to help them. When this happened, she used to fly down and make herself appear to the people. Obsidia used to give them magical assistance to solve their problems, but often with messier consequences than that of her blessed counterparts.

When Moonshadow made their request out of pure, unaltered anger and regret, well, Obsidia had never transported that fast ever. Moonshadow had made mistakes in the name of power but the key principles of his tribe shone throughout; they could not escape the guilt that was friendship of years gone by. When that happened, she could feel his suffering from a mile away. Every little cut, bruise, starving grumble, dehydrated swallow or sleepless night all concocted into one pure suffering the nightmare. Poor thing could barely remember a life without hardship.

Rainbows, they gave power. Power to the royals, to the Gods, to the people! Everyone grew accustomed to having the luxury of magic on their tongues and could barely function with it. That spell she had casted lo, a few millennia ago had wiped out all colour and joy from the world. It made Obsidia sound extremely heartless but she did what was necessary to restore balance. Despite the destruction of the Colour Gods, light and goodness were continuing to thrive greater than ever before with her interventions. Obsidia came to realise that she probably fixed the problem with no chance of it ever happening again, the people who suffered and those who were punished never crossed paths again to spread what demons had haunted them to change. Her fellow God's had merely tried to solve any disputes with the Iridescent magic they held so dear. That did solve the problem then, but no punishments were dealt. It only prolonged the problem, it didn't mitigated it. Therefore, the ridiculous powers had to be gone or less full-blown chaos would emerge. She did not mind chaos mind, however to much would ruin the world.

That was why Obsidia became shocked when the children of a hidden, forgotten village began expressing powers which resembles her fallen foes not so long ago. They could increase the breeze, create waves, set things alight, all with a single thought or action. Their beliefs and motives controlled them: Compassion, Love, Calmness, Peace, Passion and Togetherness. No one dared to push the boundaries of what great gifts that they had been given, no one could even conceive of a world where their gifts were most revered. When this Pearl Gradient started to create prophecies for them and fill their minds with stories of a world outside their tiny village, to say Obsidia was intrigued would be the understatement of the century.

Her interest in the woman quickly petered out though, despite her new and exotic wonder from a world away, Pearl immersed herself in her new life and resorted to the same, safe ways of the people around her. Obsidia couldn't believe it! These villagers had finally had a taste of the wonder and awe they could create in the works outside but weren't interested in the slightest, instead much more pleased when their fans became just like them. A waste, and that infuriated Obsidia the most. When Rainbow was born and started to show promise of being extremely powerful with all the different varieties of her magic, the Spirit of Darkness expected to be disappointed once again.

Once the prophecy was read and the terror sown. Obsidia could barely stop jumping for joy. Finally, this woman had potentially seen something of interest! A harbringer of doom to destroy the world. Sounded like her kind of person. However when she went to see Pearl, the Goddess became disappointed to the greatest degree. The woman was a fraud and barely knew what she spoke of, only hoping that these naïve creatures would bow down to her outside knowledge. That was when Obsidia refused to be made a fool. So she made some threats, cast some spells. Now, Rainbow was preparing her Iridescent magic, the last remnants of people she'd destroyed ages ago, to try and destroy her! It was almost laughable, like a joke. Almost. For Obsidia was not a fool, she'd proven that about a decade ago. And Rainbow had been waiting for this fight a long time.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. It was my brother's parents evening and by the time we got back, it was too late to update. I enjoyed writing this chapter from Obsidia's perspective, I think she has a really cool name. I'll update again tomorrow most likely. Bye, bye.

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