Chapter 29: Awesome As I Wanna Be

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Hello friends! I am pleased to announce that we are at the penultimate chapter, that has come around rather quickly. I hope you have all enjoyed this story so far. Rainbow's adventure is coming to an end. For now though, let's nearly conclude this story.

The Colour Gods and all of her friends looked at Rainbow in shock. Surely she hadn't just said that? It was absurd. Flare began to chuckle nervously but Rainbow merely folded her arms, raised an eyebrow and waved her hand for him to speak. Upon seeing her stance, the God of Fire stopped laughing. "I'm sorry, are you serious? You wish for me and my fellow Gods to apologise? Well, I suppose you also want full control over that monster's prison as well?" Rainbow knew he was mocking her and was finding the Gods to be a lot less awesome than she remembered thinking.

She mulled his mocking request over for a few moments. "Actually now that you mention it, yes I would." Flare looked at her like she was mad as Rainbow closed the gap between them in height by flying up until she was eye level with him. "And her name is Obsidia." Rainbow honestly wasn't sure where all this anger was coming from but it was and in her head, it was to be pointed at them.

Flare turned back to his fellow Gods for support. "Well, this is unexpected. I think-"

"For Colour sake Flare just do what she says!" Fern snapped at him as she gathered the mirror in her hands. Ignoring the protests forming from the mouths of her friends, she carefully handed the mirror to Rainbow. "I can't speak for all of us Rainbow but I wish I could. You're right, we do owe you an apology. If we had handled Obsidia in the way we should've done, this never would have burdened you. Heck, we shouldn't even had cursed Obsidia to become who she did." Looking the blue skinned pegasus in the eyes, she smiled bitterly. "I'm sorry." Fern made sure that Rainbow was in control of the mirror before standing back in her spot.

Flare opened and closed his mouth in shock. Eventually he managed to form a question. "Why do we have to apologise?" Rainbow allowed her fury to roll in waves through her body as flames licked at her arms.

Placing the mirror on the ground beside her friends, Rainbow glared at him. "Because I nearly died trying to fix your mistakes. Because my parents lost their home, AJ lost her barn, Pinkie nearly lost her livelihood and Sunset had her home broken into. I ENDED UP IN PRISON! AND YES, THESE MAY SEEM LIKE TRIVIAL ISSUES TO YOU WITH YOUR GODLY POWER BUT ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES! YOU NEED TO APOLOGISE BECAUSE YOU ARE TERRIBLE AT BEING GODS! PEOPLE HAVE SUFFERED GREATLY BECAUSE OF YOUR MISTAKES! OBSIDIA DID THE WORLD A FAVOUR BY IMPRISONING YOU ALL AND IF I SEE FIT, I WILL TRAP YOU ALL IN THERE AGAIN WITH HER!" Rainbow let her anger loose as she actually set herself on fire. Flare might be the God of such power but he was terrified of this magical mortal at the moment. Rainbow seethed as she needed to get some revenge on them. Pulling her arm back, she leveled her balled fist at his face and pulled forward.

There was a loud cruch of bones beneath her hand as her fist made contact with his face. Blood spewed slightly from his nose where the punch had landed. With wide eyes, Flare screamed in pain as he tried to make sense of what had happened, reeling in shock as he took a few steps back. Looking at the people around him, he saw the human girls looking shocked with their mouths open while his fellow Gods were shaking their heads. Looking back at Rainbow as she shook her hand slightly from the punch and barred her teeth at him, Flare tried to make sense of the blood coming out of his face before he fainted.

Rainbow sighed at the pathetic body on the ground in front of her. She grinned however when the other Gods approached her out of fear, respect or belief to apologise. Both they and her knew that they had a made a grave mistake and everyone did make mistakes, but the more power you had, the bigger any mistakes would cost you. Their mistakes to do with Obsidia had been priced at the suffering of innocent people. "I hope you mean these." Rainbow reminded them in a rather ominous manner as they walked away.

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