Chapter 17: Changing

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Rainbow was in shock. She could barely believe what she was hearing, let alone consider if it was true. Madam Gradient had set her house and Applejack's barn on fire, as well as break into Sunset's house and threaten Pinkie's entire livelihood. Not to mention cause Rainbow to have a permeant criminal record for crimes everyone knew she did not commit. Madam Gradient had been against her from day one, giving her such a terrible prophecy. Rainbow couldn't remember the village ever being in distress the way she had described it or hearing any mention of this dark Spirit in her history lessons. In her opinion, it was a trick. One that would cause a lot of harm if believed. Heck, the woman practically admitted to faking every single one of her prophecies to everyone! It was another lie, surely.

However there was something in her words and eyes that told Rainbow she was telling the truth. It would explain a lot to be honest. But it didn't exclude the fact that she had a criminal record and the majority of her friends had suffered. That was inexcusable and unforgivable. "So if you're not my enemy, why did you do all those things that made you look like my enemy? Hello, I'M IN PRISON!" Rainbow shouted at her and tried to lash out but the restraints on her wrist held her back and tug into her skin. With a frustrated sigh, she fell back into her bed and looked away from her former teacher.

Madam Gradient nodded solemnly and looked ashamed. "I know, my actions have been despicable. However I needed to break you." Off Rainbow's indignant and furious glare, she hastily continued. "You've spent your whole life hiding your powers and never truly allowing them to grow. By doing what I did, I tested you to use them more. As it was proven in the Ripple Realm, it has been paying off. You couldn't have done that of you weren't ready." She pressed her hand to her neck and gestured for Rainbow to do the same.

Reluctantly, she did and felt some kind of mark. "What the...?" Rainbow hurriedly gestured for a mirror which Windy gave her, looking wide eyed at her neck. Looking into it, Rainbow saw a glowing mark on her neck in the form of a multicoloured circle with a small turquoise diamond in the centre. Turning to Madam Gradient, she looked in wonder at her. "What is that?" Rainbow couldn't ever remember seeing anything like this in any books or pictures.

Madam Gradient smiled. "That, is the mark of the Iridescent Tribe. A tribe that I borrowed the name of for you. I may create a lot of my prophecies and hope on your naïve beliefs but I do study. I don't just say any random nonsense. The Iridescent Tribe were a group of people who could do what you can do. Command the power of the Rainbow with a simple incantation. However they were wiped out because of the greed of a single sole. The Spirit that has taken such an interest in you, was the one who spearheaded the attack. I guess she thought she'd destroyed it all." Windy and Bow looked at each other with worry lining their faces.

Turning to their supposed ally, Windy seemed shocked. "How? We need to know so that Rainbow can prepare herself." Bow nodded beside his wife.

Madam Gradient nodded at them. "I agree, however I think that you have little to fear. While she hasn't exactly told me how she managed to erase an entire culture directly, she has eluded to it. She mentions something of a frozen goo that encased the tribe members. Then it would suck the Rainbow out of them which caused excruciating pain. That's where her power comes from: The suffering and hardship of others. The total opposite of a Rainbow. So long as our Rainbow can figure out a way either not to get herself caught in the goo or fight off its sucking power, I think that we will be fine." Rainbow had to admit, this woman had done her research to help. 'I guess it's a good thing that she is on our side.' She thought for it would be a lot harder to try and combat this dark force without the knowledge of her attacks.

Rainbow nodded at her words though, despite any lingering doubt over where her loyalties lie. It was still possible that this was all a trap. "So what do we do now? Will she know that you've switched sides? Are you going back to play as a double agent?" If Madam Gradient did decide to do that, it would only throw her supposed reformation into even greater question. She could see her parents still fighting to trust or believe her.

Madam Gradient shook her head. "I don't need to report to her. So long as you keep growing your powers at spontaneous times, she will believe that I'm still testing you. Which I will, just perhaps in less destructive ways. I've already spoken to your friends and explained to them in easier language what is happening. I've also made sure your apple friends will be given the supplies needed to raise their barn quicker. I've cleared the air between the Flim-Flam brothers and the Cakes' so your pink friend can keep her job and living area. Everything is taken care of." She smiled at the relieved looks on Bow and Windy's faces however she noticed that Rainbow was still frowning. "Are you okay, Rainbow? Would you have rather explained yourself to your friends personally?" Rainbow shook her head for her previous attempts to do so had only ended badly. She was pleased that all the collateral damage that had ensued over the last few days were gone but a burning question still remained on her lips.

Looking at the cuffs tugging into her writs, Rainbow sighed. "You've yet to mention how you have cleared me of a criminal record, or find us a place to live. You've fixed everyone's life except ours, why?" She could feel her anger rising and begged her emotions to simmer before they bubbled over. Rainbow needed to prove that she could actually control it.

Madam Gradient turned to her with a bemused smile and a raised eyebrow. "My, o, my, you really don't miss a trick, do you? You sure that the purple, bookish, dog-lover is the smart one?" She laughed at Rainbow's expression. "However you're correct, I've yet to fix any problems with your criminal record or find you a new place to live but I'm sure you can handle the latter. While I go take care of these charming officers, I'll let you discuss everything I've spoke about. See you in a moment." She left the family alone as she walked out of the medical wing and out into the main hall.

Bow and Windy turned to their daughter with wide eyes. "What do you think Rainbow?" It was important to them that she had as much or more say than they did because at the end of the day, it was Rainbow's life that would be most impacted by the events.

Rainbow sighed at turned her head to the ceiling. A rushing temperature soared through her and she moved the cool metallic handcuffs to hey forehead to cool her down. She closed her eyes to stop the world from spinning and to stop herself being blinded by the lights above her. A wave of nausea rushed through her stomach and Rainbow simply wished just to go to sleep. However she knew that wasn't an option so reluctantly opened her eyes and took a deep breath to control her body. "I think that we need to monitor Madam Gradient closely and not just assume she has fully changed. I also think that I need to get out of here before I go crazy or become sick. I want to check on my friends to make sure that they are okay, also. Most importantly however, I wish to destroy this woman, whoever she is, for disrupting my life." Turning to face her parents, Rainbow grinned. "Any questions?"

I hope you enjoyed this reasonably long chapter. I doubt you will get another double update today however you never know. I wonder if Madam Gradient really had changed? And where Rainbow will now live. I'll update again tomorrow most likely. Bye, bye.

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