Chapter 20: Friends are Forever

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Twilight was nervous, as was the rest of the group. Together, they had faced many threats: Herself, Gaia Everfree, Juniper Montage, Wallflower Blush and Vignette Valencia to name a few. She always felt very uncomfortable whenever something reminded Twilight of Midnight Sparkle. Sunset understood though, when pony-Twilight had been helping them, she'd tried to turn the entire school into her personal demon army to take over Equestria. It had taken a lot for the students of Canterlot High to trust her again but after Sunset helped to defeat the Dazzlings, people began to accept her as one of their own.

With so many people over the last year or so that had been corrupted with Equestrian magic, the group had collectively assumed that Rainbow was overreacting and being too stubborn to let them help her. It was not a very uncommon thing for her to do. However now that the girls were aware of what kind of person this Spirit was, it was fair to say they they felt a little overwhelmed. She possessed no magic that they did so what might happen in a battle was unknown and this was very personal to Rainbow.

It wasn't if one of them transformed into their evil version and wasn't in complete control over fighting their friends. To be honest, Sunset and Twilight hadn't even been friends with everyone else when they were corrupted. Even if Rainbow did go evil, it would be different from before. However Rainbow hadn't turned evil, they were fighting someone very closely linked to her and both would be aware of the fighting. And a Goddess as well, that may be a new one.

To make matters even worse, when Twilight and Spike went to the library later to try and find some more information anything to do with their current lives, nothing could be found! There were no historical or illustrated storybooks to describe and explain what the history of the village was; no wall length tapestries depicting any great battles. Nothing at all. In fact, if Rainbow, her parents and Madam Gradient weren't proof that the village existed and the children had very strong magical powers, Twilight would be skeptical to even consider that the village was actually real.

Spike whined as he plodded across the desk. "Twilight! Let's go home, we can ask Rainbow and the others tomorrow. There's nothing here to find anyway. It's a very private village, at least, I think so." He curled up in a ball on her keyboard. Twilight sighed, about to admit to defeat when something in her dog's words triggered a thought process.

Twilight stood up at such a speed that Spike scrambled away. "Spike! You're a genius!" Her excited voice carried across the room as she hurried away to a hidden bookcase at the back of the library.

Spike took a moment to collect himself before licking his paw and smoothing his fur down. "Yeah, yeah, I know." Walking over to where his friend was frantically searching for a book, he sat down beside her. "Whatcha looking for?" Twilight looked deranged and that was the nicest word for it.

Pulling out a copy of a book to do with historical battles, she pulled at her hair. "You said that these people were very private. And you're right: A village filled with magically enhanced children next to the remnants of a religion that worshipped Gods of immense power, they would never want that to be public! Madam Gradient explained how she was probably one of the very few people to ever set eyes upon the people. Those who did were either welcomed into the village or suffered a tragic fate while trying to get back to civilisation and explain their findings." Chucking more and more beloved books to the ground, she began to nervously bite her lip. "I've been sat at that computer trying to find any recent or uploaded information on this village but there isn't any. It's been a waste of time!" Now, the majority of the books were scattered haphazardly across the library floor.

Scooping a book up in his mouth, Spike started to make a pile not too far away. "Twilight, be careful. You don't want to get in trouble for damaging public property." He nudged her hand for a book on the other side of her. She sighed and handed it to him. "What makes you so sure that there is even written by ink on paper evidence of their existence?" Spike counted the books in that pile and began to start a new one.

Twilight crouched down beside him and started to put the organised books away where they belonged. Despite being the one who caused it, seeing the books all abandoned like that twisted her stomach. She didn't like it. "I don't know Spike, I'm probably wrong about this too. I just want something solid down on paper to refer back to. Otherwise all we have are the words of an explorer and perhaps morally ambiguous woman and the word of a magical teen who left the village many moons ago. It's not a lot of reliable information to go on. We could be walking into a trap!" She began to freak out so Spike quickly climbed up into her lap and cuddled her.

Batting at her face, he began to kick her as well. "Hey, hey, relax. Yes, you're right, that isn't a lot to go on. However one of the words we have is from our best friends and she was hesitant to let us help anyway!" This reminder of Rainbow's reluctance only caused further stress to mold onto her forehead. "But! She's not sending us in alone, Rainbow is coming with us. As our the rest of our friends and Madam Gradient. We may be facing a Goddess, but she won't be any tougher than anyone we've ever faced. We can do this!" Spike gave her an affirmative lick and clambered off of her.

Twilight laughed whilst wiping her face and standing up. "You're right Spike, I won't be going in this alone." Picking him up, she started to tickle him behind the ears. "I guess I'm still just used to doing things in that manner." In all fairness to Twilight, it had only been a few months since she actually transferred to Canterlot High from Crystal Prep. A school life of doing everything alone and being isolated by choice and force would leave it's marks. She was still new to this whole Equestrian thing and sometimes the magic overwhelmed her slightly. It helped her to have a reference point in her new life. "However that's different now and Rainbow is reliable in many ways. We're going to be fine." They left the library, feeling more joyful than they had when they entered.


Rainbow was extremely grateful for all the support her friends had given her. It did feel good to have them backing her up and ready to fight. However that sense of security did not undo the undercurrent of fear that something could go wrong and she would be responsible. If any of her friends were to get hurt, well Rainbow would barely be able to cope with the unsurmountable guilt that would surely follow.

Twilight had been gone most of the day to try and do some research on the Iridescent people however Rainbow would be most surprised if she managed to find even the smallest glimmer of information on them. Knowledge of the village and the powers connected to it were kept strictly within the it's boarders. In fact, Pearl was the only person ever to successfully navigate to it. Rainbow didn't remember hearing about anyone else to do what she did.

Fluttershy was looking after the animals as they had redenvois at the animal shelter and was taking great care in looking after them. She was fretting over when they would have to leave but both herself and Madam Gradient had assured her that they could chose to leave and wouldn't until everyone was happy. Pearl was taking a special interest in helping to pet, feed and rest the 'cute little critters' and it felt nice to Rainbow. To watch both parts of her works collide and co-exist alongside each other.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie were making sure that their families were okay in the wake of the burning and subsequent setback in harvest and drop in rock harvest yield. "It's a very important time you know, Applejack, for all farmers. Harvest. We have to stick together, us farmers." She was so serious that AJ could barely dare to disagree with her. Sometimes Pinkie got an idea in her head and eight times out of ten, it was rather harmless.

Rarity and Sunset were being rather reserved. They were the pair who had distrusted or feared Rainbow the most recently. Nothing particularly bad had happened to them but they were wary to face this new threat. Luckily, they seemed to be helping each other through it. Rainbow was just grateful that they were here and happy to help her. They really were true, true friends.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, on time. I liked the little bits from all of their perspectives. I'll most likely update again tomorrow. Adiós.

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