Chapter 8: Freefall

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The cliff provided the means for escape that Rainbow so desperately needed. Not having changed since the last time she was there yesterday, Rainbow took a deep breath and laid down. It was about ten'o'clock now and the sun was just at the position that if she was sat up, the light would burn into her eyes. Lying down however, the light provided some nice highlights on the clouds above her. Relaxing, Rainbow closed her eyes and imagined what would her life be like if she was just normal. No magic, Iridescent or Equestrian, just a regular teenage girl with regular friends and family. In her mind, not too much to ask for.

Noises from below her caused Rainbow to sit up and take notice. She doubted that she was under any threat, another reason she'd chosen this cliff was that it was above the Wonderbolts training arena. Wondercolts was what the students of Canterlot High were known as but Wonderbolts was an elite group of incredible athletes. There was a difference but Rainbow sometimes felt her friends forgot what it was. The Wonderbolts were a group in which the ranks Rainbow wished to join. "One day." She smiled to herself as the team exited training for a short break.

Leaning back down, after setting an alarm for thirty minutes which was when they would return, she allowed herself to drift off into a dream-filled sleep of success.


Ten minutes later, Rainbow was abruptly awoken by someone screaming at her. Discombobulated from her shortened nap, it took her a moment to work out what was happening. Pinkie Pie stood above her, glaring. A slight that was not often seen and not one you particularly wanted to wake up to. "Pinkie!" Rainbow growled as she sat up, momentarily blinded by the sunlight.

Her normally annoying yet sweet friend didn't seem impressed. Looking back at her, Rainbow realised that her hair was still flat and her eyes had lost their sparkle. "Don't 'Pinkie' me! Do you know what you've done?" She folded her arms expectantly but Rainbow had no idea what she was talking about.

Shaking her head, she tried to get a handle on things. "No, Pinkie, I don't know. I was asleep. Unless you count being framed for arson. What's happened now?" Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Rainbow finally managed to stand up.

Huffing, Pinkie angrily pulled her phone out and started tapping away at it. "THIS!" She declared with a lot of anger.

Relenting, she let Rainbow hold her phone while the stunned girl tried to make sense of what she was seeing. It was a supposedly a social media post Rainbow had uploaded an hour ago. Looking at and reading it, she felt her heart sink with every word. It was a picture of her at Sugercube Corner holding the drink Pinkie had made for her after the police officers had left. Pinkie had her back turned and was talking to another customer just to the edge of the photo. The caption read: 'Cosy place, server terrible. Waitress created this... Thing next to me that isn't even a real drink. Or if it is, certainly not original, like the owners claim everything is. Pretty sure this is a rip-off of that drink from the Flim-Flam brothers. Complete garbage. Terrible, wouldn't recommend. 🤮'

Rainbow handed her phone back to Pinkie who now looked more hurt than angry. "Pinkie-"

She held up her hand. "Don't. Just don't." Sniffing, Pinkie put her phone back in her pocket. "You know Rainbow, if you didn't like the drink, you could've just said so. Now the cafe is being investigated by the Flim-Flam brothers who you know would love for a reason to earn money and take down some competition. The Cakes are even discussing firing me until this mess dies down!" Fully crying now, Pinkie was reaching hysterics. "ARE YOU HAPPY?!" She full-on launched herself at Rainbow who instinctively dodged to avoid collision.

Unfortunately, this meant that Pinkie's momentum carried her pass Rainbow and towards the cliff edge. Realising she was going to fall, Pinkie began to scream. Rainbow barely had time to recover before she watched her pink friend disappear over the edge. "PINKIE!" She shouted, hand reached out to stop her. Wasing no time, Rainbow activated her pony powers and flew off the edge. Pinkie had started to pick up speed as she fell now but Rainbow refused to let this end in tragedy. Kicking her legs, Rainbow forced her wings and body to move her faster than her friend and close the ever-increasing gap between them.

Lungs burning, heart pounding, legs aching, wings tensing, eyes blurring, arms stretching, Rainbow felt her fingers enclose on the friendship bracelet wrapped around Pinkie's wrist that she'd had made for all of her friends at one of her sleepovers. Rainbow was suddenly so grateful that Pinkie found the time to make her friends happy and cherish the moments between them. Obtaining a greater hold on her falling friend, Rainbow became filled with joy as she could confirm Pinkie wasn't going to die from the fall. Kicking her legs and flapping her wings, Rainbow flew them both back up to the cliff where the pegasus collapsed with one of her best friends in her arms.

Rainbow gently nudged Pinkie to check she was alright and panicked slightly when there was no response. Checking her hair, Rainbow found some bits of rock and slight blood on her hand after she pulled away. 'She must've hit her head on the fall. This is all my fault.' Rainbow needed to find out who created that post of her, she certainly hadn't. Right now though, she needed to heal Pinkie's wounds before they became a big problem. 'Here goes nothing.' Rainbow moved Pinkie so her head was in an easier position to heal. "Okay, please don't wake up, Pinkie." She whispered to her unconscious friend before closing her eyes and letting the magic run through her. "Rainbow, Rainbow, glimmer and shine. Listen to me, for I command what's mine. Burn, copy, glow and heal. Dampen, storm and steal." The green light swept over her body from her hair to her fingers and into the pink strands of hair woven around them. It spread to the damaged areas of Pinkie's head and healed it instantly. A contented sigh escaped her friend's lips as she settled into a restful sleep.

Rainbow relaxed as she realised her friend was better now and just resting. That could've gone very differently and ended in huge tragedy. At this moment, she was pretty sure that her powers did not grant her the ability to revive the dead. 'That would be a cool power though.' Rainbow considered as noises from the Wonderbolts assured her that they had returned from their break. Still, another day. Testing her wings, Rainbow grinned when she noticed that they weren't too tired. Scooping Pinkie up into her arms, she flew back to Sugarcube Corner and dropped Pinkie on her bed. She hoped the Cakes wouldn't make Pinkie also move out of her home. Rainbow had to fix whatever damage had been done... And fast.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I did. Pinkie's fall was very dramatic. I wonder what will happen now of that post... I'll update again tomorrow most likely. Bye, bye.

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