Chapter 5: Fan the Flames

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Madam Gradient would be unhappy with her response. Whatever she chose to do as a result would be out of Rainbow's hands but directly her fault should someone suffer. That idea made her feel very sick, she would never willingly cause the harm or upset of others. 'You... Thank you for the offer, I mean. But I'm afraid I have to say no.' Rainbow honestly felt proud of herself for such a remark but knew it probably wasn't worth it.

Standing up, she took one last look at the disappearing sun and grinned as the first few stars started to appear. Stars had always comforted Rainbow, high above the sky, always there bit not always seen. Like an invisible friend that constantly had your back. Now Rainbow only hoped that her carbon friends had her back in her time of desperate need.


Windy and Bow were pleased to see their daughter return home safely to them. That Pearl Gradient had gotten in their head but both adults were proud of how they had said no to her. It was clear now that Rainbow going back to that place would serve no good to anyone but the headteacher. Rainbow wasn't a weapon though, she was a loved person. "How do you feel Rainbow?" She asked her daughter with a small smile.

Rainbow shrugged her shoulders and sat down at the table. "Fine. When did she leave?" She picked at the food her dad handed her, extremely exhausted.

Bow glanced at his wife. "About half an hour after you ran away. Not for long. Where were you?" He sat down beside her and Windy joined them.

"By the cliff, in the woods." Rainbow took a mouthful of food and smiled at them. She chose to ignore the look they both shared. Choosing not to share the message, Rainbow did wonder what might happen because of it but she was too drained to think about it. Both of them nodded as they knew she was safe there.

After she had finished dinner, Rainbow just made her way upstairs and went to bed. It was only half eight but she fell asleep straight away.


The morning sun burned through Rainbow's curtains and woke her from her deep slumber. Groaning, she flipped over and checked the time: Eight'o'clock. She'd slept for nearly twelve hours. Rainbow sighed for that had happened in the past, she would drain her energy using her magic and sleep for ages. It also meant that there was a possibility that her powers had gotten out of control but Rainbow had barely used them yesterday, only at the orchards to heal a wound and burn a shard of glass...

Rainbow sat bolt upright in bed! "Damnit!" She screeched as she quickly got dressed and raced out the door. Windy and Bow heard the commotion but only poked their heads out their bedroom door to see the front door swing on its hinges.


Sweet Apple Acres stood proudly on top of a hill that overlooked the town. Their many fields and orchards provided much of their food supply and never failed to disappoint in quality. Rolling hills of green that stretched for miles meant that even going around the land they owned would be extremely tiresome. The Apple family had lived there for generations and never let anyone down.

Rainbow came running up the main hill right in front of the farmhouse. The large, red barn beside it provided a landmark for where people were. Hearing no movement from inside either structure, Rainbow assumed that Granny Smith must still be asleep, the others out in the trees or with a friend. 'Good,' She thought to herself. 'That should make my life easier.' Creeping up to the barn door, Rainbow poked her head in the small gap to check.

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