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Hello Everyone! This is my fifth story- Awesome As I Wanna Be! My Little Pony is probably the biggest fandom to me so I hope you enjoy it. I'll try and update daily as I have in the past. Now though, on with the story!

"Rainbow, Rainbow, glimmer and shine. Listen to me, for I command what's mine. Burn, copy, glow and heal. Dampen, storm and steal." A cloaked figure sat huddled in the ruins of an anicent tower, deep in the heart of a wild and unpredictable forest, next to the dying, glowing embers of a fire, long aglow. The wood had already been weakened by a torrential downpour not too long ago so any chance of warmth was evaporating quickly. The song was supposed to aide their people in times of need. The person laughed bitterly for it had been ages since such a miracle occurred. Once an advisor to the royal family of their tribe, now an exiled outcast with no help from anyone or anything. The people of their tribe would call them mad, a monster, but only so they could hide their fears that someone would discover they had considered the same idea. It was barbaric nonetheless and the royal family would never allow it. As a warning to those who may wonder the same, they were forgotten, cast out and abandoned, by the people they only wanted to protect.

A hollow laugh left their dry lips with a rasp and hacking cough. It mattered little now what could never be undone. Time was short for them now, but they wouldn't let their efforts be in vain. The ruins in which they now took shelter was once thought to be home of a lost kingdom and their rulers. A place out of time, a place not from here. The insignia of who these people may have been still laid embedded into the cold, hard stone that now provided a death bed for them. "A rainbow never shows in the night, then it is a moonbow." The person got up off their feet and looked up at the night sky, empty except for the stars to moon. Not a cloud in sight. "WELL! WHERE ARE OUR MOONBOWS? OUR RAINBOWS! WE HAVE GIVEN OUR LIVES FOR YOU! MY LIFE! AND YOU REWARD US WITH DOOM!" Their cloak fell off in rage and the pale, wrinkly skin became bathed in moonlight.

A sudden flash of light beside them caused the outcast to jump and hide behind a nearby wall. When darkness returned, a woman stood in the centre of the insignia. She looked rather angry. Her dress seemed to flow from the dark itself and her skin was the colour of night. Her hair was a mix of blues, purples, blacks and a little bit of grey. "Who dared to summon me?" She spoke with an authority that wasn't used to being denied.

Shaking, the elder came out from behind their hiding space. "Me, Powerful one, my name is Moonshadow. I come from the Iridescent people. Those who worship the Rainbow. I have been in exile for a decade now, shunned from my tribe for what I saw." Moonshadow bowed before the person before them and spoke in humble tones.

The woman glared at their feeble frame. "You are not worth my time. Rainbows, ha. They mean nothing." Her eyes suddenly grew with curiosity. A spirit of darkness, she fed off the suffering of others. While rainbows meant nothing to her, there were those who would trade in their happiness for such information. Ironic really, as then they would no longer care about rainbows. "Tell me child, what did you see?" She knelt down in front of them and pressed her fingers to their forehead. Their eyes glowed as she saw what had happened many moons ago...


A younger Moonshadow hurried through carpeted, marble corridors, breathing deeply and looking over their shoulder. Eventually, they came to a large golden door and took a moment to collect themselves before entering. "Your Majesties!" They directed the royal family's attention to them and bowed before them. "Forgive me for the intrusion but I have seen a terrible, terrible world. We are in danger here, we must leave. Erase our culture, our people. We must flee." Their words were tumbling out of their mouth without stopping as they started to shake.

The Queen stood up and held her hands out to Moonshadow. "Whatever do you mean? We are perfectly safe here." She guided for a chair to be placed and motioned for them to sit down. "Now tell us, Moonshadow, what exactly did you see?" Moonshadow sat down and took a deep breath.

"I'm not sure myself, your Highness. The world was dark, bland and grey. People were turning on each other, fear ruled. There was no light, no joy, no friendship. People didn't believe in anyone or anything. A rebellion was rising, they demanded our power. Power we haven't seen for moons. They claimed to hold one of our own, one who could do as they demanded. The attackers saw them as a threat and wanted to erase us." Moonshadow started to shake again as the Queen pulled them into a hug.

Glancing at her husband, she looked at him for reassurance. The King was wise, brave and a natural leader while the Queen was compassionate, clever and curious. Her desire to explore and befriend the world matched his desire for power and democracy. Together, they had protected their people through many disasters but Moonshadow had always been by their side. Now they seemed scared, panicked and... Lost. "Don't worry Moonshadow, we've protected our people with your help. Thank you for bringing this to our attention." She motioned for someone to bring them a meal and a blanket. "Don't worry, we will be okay." The Queen smiled at them and stood up to get back to her throne. "Why don't you try any get some rest?" Moonshadow nodded, pleased that they'd brought this to their attention.

As they left, the King called out to them. "Moonshadow! Tell me, if the rebels wanted to erase our culture, why did you suggest we do the same?" Moonshadow tensed at his tone and turned to face the Royals.

The Queen looked between the two of them with a concerned expression. "What are you getting at, dear?" She started to rise but Moonshadow spoke up.

"Don't get up your Highness." They turned to the King with a sneer. "I was hoping you wouldn't pick up on that, my King." Moonshadow snarled and leaped at the King, a strange yet powerful darkness followed him and engulfed the King. The Queen screamed as a thick, black fog spread across the throne room. Her screams however were quickly silenced as she too became immersed in it. Servants also became encased in it. As Moonshadow stepped back, the people around them looked frozen, encased in a black liquid that looked gloopy but not quite. Standing in front of the Queen, they bowed and softly kissed her hand. "Apologies, my Queen." Turning to her husband, Moonshadow stood right in front of him and smirked. "Not so powerful now, are you?" Moonshadow knocked his crown off his head with a grin, watching it shatter to the floor. "Now, if you excuse me, I must leave." They stepped back from the total mass destruction they had created and disappeared in a flurry of black smoke; the Royal family of Iridescent tribe lost to time...


The present Moonshadow collapsed on the ground in front of the spirit. "What... What did you do?" They wondered aloud, staring up in fear at her.

The woman merely grinned, enjoying his suffering. "And you wondered why the Rainbows didn't answer your cry for help? Why should they help someone as obviously evil as yourself? That goes against everything they stand for." She started to laugh while the realisation of what just happened dawned on them.

Trembling, Moonshadow got to their knees. "I'm a changed person, my actions were selfish-"

"Indeed, they were." Her eyes flashed menacingly and changed to a blood red. "However I must thank you, Moonshadow. Now because of your actions, what you saw will come to pass." With a final laugh, she disappeared into the night.

Moonshadow sat there for hours trying to work out what she meant. When morning came, they saw. The sky refused to lighten as the Sun rose, filling the world with grey, stormy clouds. Night was lingering and day was retreating. Across the sky however was what made Moonshadow cry out in agony. A rainbow, devoid of colour, leeching the colour out of everything else. Covering the world in the same stuff that they had used all those years ago. It arched over their feeble frame and Moonshadow saw the darkness falling towards them. With their last breath, they spoke quickly, using whatever magic they had left to preserve their world.

The time of the Rainbow was over, a new power was now in play. Any who opposed it, well, that would never happen. The Rainbow died with Moonshadow, never to be seen again.

I hope you all enjoyed this prologue. I thought it was quite dramatic and was a good opening. I'll update again tomorrow hopefully. Bye, bye.

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