Chapter 28: Friendship is Magic

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A powerful blast of magic ripped across the ground as the teleportation spell finished. A deep mist settled over the school grounds and choked the colour out of everything. It refused to clear for a long time until a pale, delicate hand reached forward out of the heart of the darkness and waved it away. The mist vanished instantly but the damage to the world was already done: People were the only source of colour within the nearby area as they had thankfully been spared from the mist. Had they not like some poor unfortunate souls of little creatures, they too would've been drained of colour and frozen. Rainbow was surprised by how the mist hadn't gone anywhere near the steps where she stood, like she was a forcefield that physically stopped it from coming too close to her.

There was a loud clatter of many feet behind her and Rainbow turned to see her friends catching up to her. Their geos were shining and pulsing as their magic came alive. Subconsciously, Rainbow reached for her own geo only to be reminded that hers had been destroyed. But there wasn't time to dwell on that now, Obsidia and her friends were here and it was time to put and end to this misery that plagued her recently. The Goddess was quite stunning, Madam Gradient had described her as beautiful in a deadly sense before but actually seeing her in the flesh sent pure terror down Rainbow's spine.

Her skin was the colour of moonlight and almost translucent. Black nails and markings along her arms shone out in extreme contrast that meant you couldn't look away. What they meant, Rainbow had no idea but had a suspicion that they were important. Her eyes were deep enough to lose the world in and the colour of purest black. No window to the soul in them or else her soul really was as dark as twisted as her eyes suggested. Obsidia's hair was a mix of blues, purples, blacks and a little bit of grey, surprising highlighted for a woman sworn off colour. Her dress wasn't really a dress; it spawned from the mist that gathered at her feet and simply grew and contorted to her body. The actual wispyness of the mist vanished as it climbed to look like a dress but it was created from the darkened mist however you looked.

"Rainbow Dash!" Obsidia's voice boomed across the school, not used to being denied and full of authority. Terrifying yet terrific. She walked with a poised elegance and grace as she appeared to glide across the grass. A squeak emitted from Fluttershy as she ducked behind a piller and the Goddess turned to look at the stairs. Normally, Rainbow became highly frustrated with her animal-lover friend's terror but today it was understandable. Obsidia truly was someone who you did not want to mess with. What bugged the multicoloured teen the most was the difference between the descriptions of Madam Gradient's of her and what her enemy actually looked like. Something unnerved her about that little detail but let it go.

Obsidia smirked when she saw her opponents, she nearly felt bad for having to kill them for they were so young. Nearly but not quite. It took a lot for her to feel sympathy or empathy for anyone, including herself. If there was something wrong in your life that caused you suffering, you got rid of it. That was Obsidia's belief anyway and it confused her when people didn't follow her very wise advice. "You know, when I learnt of your existence Rainbow Dash, you were only a little kid. I honestly didn't expect much from you. Yet in the short time you have grown, I find myself more and more surprised. As I'm sure you are aware, I'm like the way I am because some fools underestimated me. I feel ever so slightly ashamed to admit that I must've done the same to you." She turned to face her and her group fully as Rainbow balled her fists.

She didn't want her admiration or apologies for any underestimation, Rainbow just wanted to defeat this Goddess and make her pay. 'She's going to regret ever picking a fight with me.' Rainbow promised to herself as she tried very little to put the slightest restrictions on her temper. A fruitless effort. "I don't accept your apology. You have done so much damage to all of our lives in such a small amount of time." She angrily gestured her hands outwards to the colourless land and frozen victims robbed of their Rainbow. "LOOK AROUND YOU! ALL OF THIS, YOU DID! DO YOU NOT EVEN FEEL THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF REMORSE? THESE PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING AND IT IS UTTERLY POINTLESS!" Her anger flared with each shouted word as her wings picked her up off the ground. Rainbow wanted this woman to suffer in her defeat, just as so many innocents had by her hands. "It's me you want, so come and catch me!" Rainbow then broke into a very fast flight that left Canterlot High far behind her.

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