Chapter 7: Fashion Frenzy

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Rainbow honestly didn't know what to do. News of the Apple family barn burning down was spreading but she was grateful that the news of who the police suspected wasn't travelling as fast. Pinkie was right when she said this was no laughing matter, being accused of a crime, especially to your friend, wasn't funny. Rainbow knew that she should probably tell her parents what was happening but they had enough to worry about at the moment. What she needed was some solid, outside-the-box thinking.

On her way to see the most creative person she knew, Rainbow considered another thought that was bugging her a great deal. Madam Gradient had told her that it was 'her move' but Rainbow had no idea what move to make. Anything she did may have repercussions on her or her loved ones. Applejack had already lost her barn, Pinkie had lied to the police and her parents were ageing a year each day. Plus, Rainbow may already have a criminal record. Nothing in this situation was good but she promised herself to find a way to repay her friends for their kindness and generosity.

Carousel Boutique stood a few streets down and around a corner from Sugercube Corner. Near City Hall, the store had a certain elegance about it that followed Rarity everywhere. Granted, she and Rainbow sometimes had opposing views about things but Rainbow knew she would help her. However as she approached, Rainbow began to lose her nerve at involving another one of her friends in this matter. Something bad had already befallen AJ, Pinkie had never looked so distraught so the suspected teen was wary to do anything that would negatively impact on her fashionable friend.

Ringing the doorbell Rainbow waited for it to be answered and smiled as Sweetie Belle, Rarity's younger sister opened the door. "Hey Sweetie Belle, you okay?" The younger girl nodded. "Cool, that's good. Is Rarity around? I need to talk to her." Sweetie Belle let Rainbow in with a shake of her head.

"No, sorry Rainbow, she went out about an hour ago to collect some more materials. I think she will be back soon." She closed the door and walked over to her desk where she had been working. "What did you need?" Rainbow remained silent for a moment while considering her answer. Sweetie Belle turned to her. "Rainbow?"

She laughed at herself. "Yeah sorry, I was just contemplating the idea if Rarity being up before ten." Both girls laughed at the joke and the older one smiled as she reason for visiting was forgotten. Peering over her shoulder, Rainbow saw Sweetie Belle was sketching her own ideas for designs. "Whatcha drawing?" She asked the budding fashionista.

Sweetie Belle grinned at her. "It's some new designs for Scootaloo, Applebloom and I. Our current outfits are outdated according to Rarity so I'm trying to come up with something new and original." Rainbow could hear the frustration in her voice. "It's just so hard!" She wailed and collapsed on top of her doodles.

'Not just a fashionista like her sister but also a drama queen like her as well.' Rainbow thought to herself as Sweetie Belle picked herself up. Kneeling beside her friend, Rainbow glanced at her current works. They were actually pretty good, considering her past fashion ideas. Simple and not trying to mimic the extremely talented, difficult and intricate designs Rarity created. "Okay, well relax these aren't bad at all. Quite good, actually. Don't worry, I'm sure Rarity will be happy to give you a hand." The designs in question were a trio of tops, leggings and capes with their insignia on the back. The capes were coloured in red while the top was blue and leggings were yellow.

Sweetie Belle smiled up at her, pleased with her compliments. "Thanks Rainbow, that means a lot." At that moment, the door to the boutique swung open as Rarity came falling in with a multitude of fabrics in her arms.

Frustrated, Rarity loudly huffed as she stood up, brushing her clothes down. Stamping her foot and folding her arms, she started to whine. "Sweetie Belle! Next time, please come to help me pick up the fabrics!" Her little sister rushed to help her sister collect the fallen items while the fashionista sorted get hair out. Once relaxed, she turned from her mirror to the store where she finally spotted Rainbow Dash. Rarity let out a loud, shocked gasp and dropped the mirror onto a nearby cushion. "What are you doing here?! Are you corrupting my sister?! Sweetie Belle! Get away from her!" She protectively reached out and grabbed her sister by the shoulder, pulling her behind her.

Rainbow blinked in surprise at Rarity's behaviour. "Woah, calm down Rarity. You're not still upset that I may have gotten dust on your skirt, are you?" Rainbow laughed at her home but Rarity looked absolutely furious. Realising something was truly wrong now, Rainbow stopped laughing and stepped closer. "Seriously Rare, what is going on? It's me, Rainbow Dash. I'm your friend." She reached out to her but Rarity simply pulled herself and Sweetie Belle further away. Hurt registered on her face when she realised that her fashionable friend was for real. Masking her hurt, Rainbow resumed a cold and bored expression. "Okay, fine, whatever. See you later." She left the store without a backwards glance, taking great pleasure in squishing some loose silk under her boot.

After Rainbow had left, Sweetie Belle came out from behind her sister. "That was really mean Rarity, why were you acting all strange?" From her point of view, Rainbow had been nothing but a delight.

Rarity sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "It's difficult to explain, Sweetie. But bad things have been happening recently."

Sweetie Belle folded her arms. "And Rainbow Dash is responsible? Surely you can see what nonsense that is." She stomped away from her sister and resumed her sketching.

She sighed, the pained expression on her face hidden from her sister. "I know, it does sound ridiculous but the police have put posters up for her arrest. They say that she was responsible for the burning of Applejack's barn." Rarity knew it probably wasn't true but she couldn't take that risk, she was looking after her sister.

Sweetie Belle huffed. "Rainbow would never abandon you if the roles were reserved." She gathered up her sketches and made her way upstairs.


Rainbow didn't know where to go. Rarity had been her best bet at finding a way to Kay inconspicuous for a while. However it seemed her 'generous' friend believed all the rumours and suspicions about her. Deciding to go to the source of her dilemma, Rainbow started to run towards Sweet Apple Acres. She took care to pull down any wanted posters she saw on the way.

Reaching the farm, she was shocked to see a crowd of people around the Apple family. Relatives, neighbours and officers were all coming to show their support and get to the bottom of this. Realising that there was no way in which she wouldn't get caught, Rainbow turned to leave. She'd just kicked off into another run when an apple dropped on her head. "What the?" Looking up, she saw Applejack swinging from a tree. "AJ!" Rainbow wasn't sure what to do now.

Applejack just shushed her. "Quiet down! Do you want to get caught?" Rainbow shook her head. "That's what I thought." Her athletic friend climbed up beside her.

"I don't understand, why do the police think I burned down the barn?" Rainbow couldn't make any sense of it.

Applejack shrugged her shoulders. "After you left, a woman approached and claimed she had evidence of who rigged the barn. The police watched the footage and said that there was undoubtable evidence that you were responsible. None of us know what was on that recording." Rainbow wanted to press her for more details but knew that AJ wouldn't lie, even if Rarity ignored her role to be generous.

Sighing, Rainbow got down from the tree with a slight grin. "Okay, thanks AJ, bye." Then she took off running for the cliff again, both girls unaware that someone had been watching them...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it's a day late. I had creative writing club so you may not get a chapter on Tuesday from me as often. Rarity is certainly taking these wonders to heart. I hope Rainbow's other friends haven't done that... Nevertheless, I will update again tomorrow. Bye, bye.

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