Chapter 3: Can't Run Anymore

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Windy Whistles loved her daughter immensely. As her only child, it only increased the love she had for her. She knew it can't be easy for Rainbow with two sets of magic, one good and one bad on her shoulders, but Windy was extremely proud with how she handled it. She knew that the letter would upset her, it was distressing for them as well. The trouble was that Rainbow was growing stronger each day, even if she didn't quite realise it yet. While her parents would never dream of their daughter becoming the evil destroyer the village saw, Rainbow was beginning to become more relax with using her iridescent powers. At least that was how they saw it.

Bow Hothoof felt wonderfully blessed to have such an amazing daughter like Rainbow Dash. She was, in his eyes, the perfect daughter. Ranted he was probably bias but Rainbow had a certain quality to her that made everyone believe that she was special. Everyone had always thought that, even if it wasn't always in a positive way. He was so proud of Rainbow for taking on the forces of evil with her friends like she did. The letter was no big deal, that was all in the past. It didn't matter, he hoped.

Rainbow knew that her parents loved and were proud of her and was incredibly grateful for that. Not every parent was. However with her Mum's worry and her Dad's apparent relaxation to the situation it didn't help her. Throwing the letter out the window was the best thing that she could do, it showed that it bothered her enough to get rid of it but also that it could no longer bug them, they could all be happy again. Rainbow laughed slightly at her own hopeful nativity, Madam Gradient would never let her most prized pupil out of her sight. Her powers were too great to be ignored.

The sound of her parents entering the house brought Rainbow out of her thoughts. She felt only a smidge of guilt for tossing the letter out the window but quickly let that pass. "Rainbow?" Windy called upstairs as they looked around for her.

"Coming!" She called down and hurried back downstairs where her parents where stood with many bags of shopping. "How are you?" Rainbow picked up a few of the bags and started moving them to the kitchen.

Bow followed her with a smile. "We're fine thank you, dear." He placed the bread in the fridge and unloaded the juice.

Windy remained in the hallway, frowning. "Where's the letter, Rainbow?" Her voice suggested that she already knew.

Busted, Rainbow scratched the back of her neck and gestured outside. "Out there, somewhere." Windy entered the kitchen with her arms crossed.

"Well I can't say I'm happy or surprised." She went back out into the hall and over to the computer. "That's why I uploaded the contents of the letter onto a document here." She turned it on and opened the document that had the letter completely written up. "I would like you to read it, please." Windy moved out the seat and let Rainbow sit down.

Although she didn't want to, Rainbow had disobeyed her parents enough today. Sitting down, she began to read the letter that dictated her fate.

"Miss Dash,

I hope you are well at this current time. I hope this letter reaches you at a good time. As I'm sure you can tell, Madam Gradient is writing to you. You have now reached the age where advance training could begin. With your, special, powers I believe it would be best if you and your family moved back here to complete it. The choice is completely up to you but it may make everything clearer and easier if we are assured you have a very good control on your abilities. The village has changed a lot since you were last here but when you arrive I'm sure that you will work that out for yourself.

I look forward to your reply,

Sincerely, Madam Gradient. Headteacher of Wonder Academy."

Rainbow sat back in shock at the computer desk. Granted the message was pretty much what she was expecting but seeing it written or typed out like that made it suddenly seem very real. Madam Gradient had actually sat at her desk and wrote those words, ink had been used up spelling them. While it was a basic concept, the idea of this for this moment blew her mind for some reason. Windy came and sat across from her. "I did warn you that it would be a shock. I hope you think about it with an open mind." She looked to her husband who had his arms folded but a supportive smile on his face. "What do you think?" She asked Rainbow hopefully.

Rainbow looked back and forth between her parents and the typed up version of the letter. She wasn't stupid, she could see a lot of merit in going for this advanced training. The only sticking point she had though was that she was now the bearer of Loyalty. Loyalty meant that she never leaves her friends hanging. If someone else twisted with Equestrian magic came into the light, she would be in no position to help her friends. They needed her, for good things. They only saw her as a good thing. The people of this village saw her as a threat that needed to be contained, Rainbow refused to he remembered for that. Plus, how would she explain the sudden need to move without revealing everything? While she no longer lived in the village, keeping her powers secret had always seemed like a good thing. Especially if you think about how the world reacted to Equestrian magic in their world: Power, magic, it was all the same thing to them. Both sides of her life included. She wouldn't go back to that world, by force or by choice.

With a sigh, Rainbow closed the document and shut the computer down. "I'm really sorry Mum and Dad, but I'm not going back. For any reason. I'm going to go for a run." Conceding that they had discussed this enough, her parents let her pass. The doorbell rang however just before she left so Rainbow answered the door.

Opening it, Rainbow saw a woman in her thirties maybe with dark brown hair in a ponytail with a yellow and red strip running through it. She wore a black blazer with a purple shirt underneath as well as black trousers and shiny high heels. Her skin was cocoa-coloured and her eyes were the most startling shade of blue that Rainbow knew could change colour at random. Madam Gradient. She smiled warmly however when she saw Rainbow at the door. "Caught you." She whispered before her parents came to stand beside their daughter.

Bow coughed and cleared his throat. "Madam Gradient, what an unexpected surprise. Please come in." They both gestured for her to enter while Rainbow just stood mute to the side.

As the headteacher entered, thanking them for their hospitality, Rainbow barely registered what was happening. The only thought or memory she could conceive was of when she used to play hide-and-seek with her parents. Whenever she was caught, she would run with them pursuing to another hiding place until there was nowhere left to run. That was exactly what Rainbow decided to do now.

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, I did. The letter was cool and what Madam Gradient said to Rainbow. I'll update again tomorrow most likely. Bye, bye.

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