Chapter 6: Honest Laughter

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Applejack and her family were still in shock from the destruction of their barn. Rainbow had given a statement to the police after they had arrived with the ambulances to check for suspects and injuries. The only two who needed checking was her and Applejack which the medics claimed was lucky for a fire this large. After it had been established that this wasn't an accident, the police moved in to take statements. The Apples couldn't provide much information except Applejack who told them that Rainbow had already been in the barn before it went up in flames.

The police then took the multicoloured teen aside and asked her many questions: Why were you in the barn? For how long? When did you arrive? What were you doing? Where had you come from? If the wire was tripped by opening the door, how come you didn't set it off? Some of these were difficult to answer without revealing her other powers but others were okay.

"Miss Dash, were you aware of the wire before you arrived?" The officer questioning her was a friendly yet powerful figure, Sheriff Sliverstar. He was an ageing man who had been in his profession for a good few years. However everyone on town knew that he was still quick on his feet to respond to any wrongdoings.

Rainbow shook her head. "No, I was coming to see Applejack when I looked inside the barn and saw the wire on the floor." It wasn't exactly a lie but not quite the complete truth either.

The Sheriff nodded. "Thank you for your cooperation." He moved over to the Apple family to explain that they would be compensated for their lose, perhaps enough money to rebuild. Sheriff Sliverstar also reminded them that they were lucky the farmhouse wasn't damaged, it appeared as those the barn had been the sole target. "Good day, Apples. Good luck." He dipped his hat towards them and rounded up his workers before the police left. With the firefighters having left a while ago and the ambulances just packing up, soon it would just be the Apples and Rainbow amid the destruction.

Applebloom started to cry at the mess around them so Applejack gave her a hug while Rainbow watched on. 'This is your fault Dash, your friends have lost their barn, which they've had for generations, because of your actions. Madam Gradient burned this barn because you were a fool. You were stubborn.' Despite her ability to often think of her good points, Rainbow knew there was no bright side to this situation. Clearing her throat, she scratched the back of her neck. "I'm going to go now, I'm so sorry." Rainbow started to run but Applejack called her back.

"Rainbow! Wait up!" Stopping, the guilt-ridden girl slowed down and turned to Applejack. When she caught up with her, Rainbow became nervous as she folded her arms. "Why were you in the barn? You didn't look like you were actually waiting for me?" Applejack didn't sound accusatory but Rainbow knew better than to try and lie.

Sighing, she stared at her friend. "I was looking for you, I had a bad feeling. When I got here, I couldn't see anyone so I checked in the barn. I saw the wire on the floor. After I entered the barn without triggering it, I followed the wire to a crate of apples. They were all filled with gunpowder, just like every single apple in that barn. When you arrived, I tried to warn you but I was too slow." That was the crux of the issue for Rainbow as a girl with superspeed who was too slow, a girl with fire and water powers who couldn't save a barn. Irony was her cruelest friend.

Applejack nodded. "Well, I appreciate your honesty, now I need to get back to the others." With a bitter wave and smile, she let Rainbow continue on her run.


The fury in her chest was drowning out her own heartbeat. Madam Gradient was a monster who would pay for her actions, no one hurt her friends and got away with it! Running until she reached the centre of town, Rainbow slowed down outside Sugercube Corner. The cafe was a good place to try and find rest as well as a high chance one of her friends, bar AJ, would be here. She wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

Entering the cafe, Rainbow smiled at the warmth and friendliness this place exuded. Everyone who was anyone was welcome here and the Cakes', for her, always earned first fit customer service. This place was perfect for Pinkie to work at. Sure enough, her bubbly, enthusiastic and slightly random friend was looking after the counter.

"RAINBOW DASH!" Pinkie cheered when she saw her. "HI! How are you?" She gleefully jumped up and down in excitement at seeing her friend. Rainbow smiled at the joy but wasn't sure if her expression conveyed the same attitude. Noticing her frown, Pinkie deflated a little. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Her smile remained on her face though, always happy to cheer her friends up.

Rainbow just gave a weak smile. "I'm fine Pinkie, just tired. How are you?" She took a seat at the counter, just to the side of all the delicious cupcakes and pies.

Pinkie seemed cheered by her response and resumed bouncing on her feet. "I'm great! Wonderful! Excellent! Super-duper Pinkie Pie! Fantasidosa!" Her smile seemed to stretch from one corner of her face to the other, a feat they was impossible to anyone else.

Rainbow grinned. "Well I'm pleased for you Pinkie. I'll just have a milkshake please, nothing fancy." Despite her fairly reasonable request, Pinkie vehemently shook her head at such an idea.

"Absolutely not! No way! I'm not going to serve my friend such a bland drink when she's so low." Pinkie had never sounded so serious about something but Rainbow was too tired to try and work her out. "No, you get a... Mixy, Twisty, Double- No TRIPLE- chocolate chip cookie milkshake!" Pinkie flashed another grin at her friend who merely held her hands up in surrender.

"Okay Pinkie, whatever you want. I'll have that." Rainbow shook her head with a laugh and wondered if that was actually a drink.

Pinkie clapped her hands in joy. "Okay-dokay Loki, one Mixy, Twisty, Triple chocolate chip cookie milkshake coming up!" She then spend the next few minutes busying herself with the task of creating such a beverage.

The door to the cafe suddenly flew open and two police officers entered the establishment. Coming up to the counter, a chocolate covered Pinkie Pie greeted them with a smile. "Hello Officers, what can I help you with?" She seemed oblivious to the tense atmosphere or the fact that Rainbow had ducked behind a table. Her gut was telling her that this wouldn't be good.

The fiercer looking one of the two gave Pinkie a slight glare. "We're looking for the criminal responsible for an arson attack. They burned the barn up on the hill. Teenage female, goes by the name of Rainbow Dash?" The look of Pinkie's smile falling off her face was one that would haunt Rainbow forever. It was heartbreaking.

The once bubbly girl shook her head. "Are you sure? Rainbow Dash? Burning the barn on the hill? That's my friend's barn, Rainbow wouldn't burn it. Rainbow is my friend!" Pinkie started to get upset and the quieter one of the pair handed her a tissue.

"We're not sure of anything yet. Someone just gave us a tip and we're investigating. Your friend hasn't been proven guilty of anything yet." This seemed to soothe Pinkie ever so slightly.

The meaner one glanced around the cafe. "So do you know where she is?" This was the tie-breaker, whatever Pinkie said would determine an outcome of some sort. Rainbow wasn't sure if she wanted her to turn her in or lie. Neither was particularly favourable.

Pinkie thought for a moment before shaking her head. "No, she hasn't come in today. I don't know where she is." She glanced downwards and cleaned the counter.

The kinder one smiled at her. "Thank you for your time." He smiled at her and other customers as they left.

Rainbow creeped out from under the table as hushed whispers sprung up around the cafe. Sitting at her stool, Pinkie turned to her. "What are you going to do? It's not true, is it?" Rainbow wished to remove the fear from her eyes.

She shook her head. "No, of course it's not true. Although maybe I should turn myself in, I hear prison is pretty comfortable these days." Rainbow was trying to crack a joke but no one laughed.

Pinkie sighed, tears in her eyes. She was truly deflated now as even her hair sagged a little. "This is no time for laughter, Dashie."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, very dramatic at the end. Rainbow's accused of burning the Apple family barn down! That hardly seems fair. I'll probably update again tomorrow. Until then though, adiós.

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