Chapter 26: Becloud like Monochrome

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Yippee! I'm ever so pleased to announce that Awesome As I Wanna Be has reached over 200 reads! Yay! Thank you to all of the readers of this story who have enjoyed it. I have as well. I also have a suspicion that we are in the final few chapters of this story. I've really enjoyed it. However! It is not the end just yet. Now, on with the story!

'Oh dear, this can't be good.' The understatement of the century as Obsidia, Goddess of Darkness and Suffering saw her opponent at her true potential. She remembered thinking about how Rainbow was ready to fight after Pearl Gradient had switched to her side. Obsidia had underestimated her enemy, just as she had done by assuming the portal was sacred to her. Yet Rainbow had destroyed it, gone slightly evil and there was a glimmer of wonder that maybe, just maybe, evil would win. It rarely ever did and that was rather unfair. Just like life and the world in that regard. Maybe there was a lesson to be learned from that...

However know was not the time to get philosophical. Rainbow was at her peak in magic, imbued with the highest concentration of Equestrian magic ever and the acceptance of her Iridescent magic. This battle just suddenly got a whole lot harder if she knew how to master all of her new abilities. No! Obsidia slammed her fist down onto the cold, broken stone as she watched the events at Canterlot High unfold. She'd done so many irreversible deeds and come too far only for it to be snatched from her by an adolescent teenage girl who usually worked in a group. At least her minions were keeping them busy and therefore holding the cavalry back as the Goddess tried to formulate another plan to defeat the ridiculous powers of the Rainbow.

The world was made to suffer, otherwise the concepts of suffering and pain wouldn't exist. Humankind would never have evolved and developed the way it had without the necessity to and fear of becoming a predators lunch. That was a form of suffering and now the world and it's inhabitants were in a good place. Obsidia couldn't understand for the life of her why there were people in this broken, friendly, ambitious, developing world that opposed suffering of everyone simply because it made them uncomfortable. You can never save absolutely everyone, you can't always be prepared for whatever type of suffering life may throw at you. It is then your job to adapt and evolve and grow with the suffering, nothing ever important is easy or gets done in a day.

Another thing that bothered the Goddess was that Rainbow had suffered, some would say that she had suffered quite a bit. Even before her past resurfaced, her friends and her had had to go up against some tough enemies and get knocked down. Her family had had to deal with things and be slightly or extremely changed forever. Rainbow at any point could've just given up, gone home, and left the world to its fate. Suffering was only ever afflicted upon you because you deserved it. At least, that's how Obsidia saw it. She'd honestly thought that when Rainbow destroyed the portal and began to laugh that the poor thing had cracked and lody her mind. Rainbow had even attacked her teacher in quite a feral and wild way, a dark seed taking root in her eyes. Obsidia had automatically assumed that this was her moment for a counterattack.

Then Rainbow chose to dive into the liquid of magic. A final act of definace against the evil that was trying to win. It had worked. That's the stinger for the Goddess, that it worked. That whatever was in that magic or what it helped Rainbow to see had defeated her. Equestrian magic, the Magic of Friendship. Something that on paper is so similar to Iridescent magic that was once wielded by the Colour Gods that Obsidia haven't even considered it's differences. She was now paying the price for such ignorance and negligence it seemed. Her enemy now had the best of both worlds to fight her with.

The magic inside the crater had vanished completely, absorbed by Rainbow to charge her the way she was. Now, there was only one slim chance of Obsidia obtaining Equestrian magic: Her friends. If her minions managed to defeat them then once they were frozen, she could steal all they had. Checking on their progress, her slim hope shattered to non-existent as Obsidia watched as Rainbow flew in and blew everyone to the ground. It really wasn't going her way. With a flurry of quick attacks, Rainbow had destroyed all of them as her friends got to their feet. Understandably, they were all confused and shocked to see their friend fused with all the magic. Her outfit also drew the eye and a few shocked expressions were shared.

Rainbow could feel her breathing become heavy at the sudden speed of movement and fighting. Whilst super speed was common for her, this intensity of it was different. The sound barrier often took some effort to be broken but with her new powers, she barely had to move and a sonic rainboom occured. Right now, the corridor was plastered with a rainbow painting from her entrance. Knowing her friends would have a lot of questions and she didn't have enough time to answer them, Rainbow simply held up her hand. "I know you have a lot of questions but I need to to trust me. Obsidia and her mist is outside, if you get caught in it, you'll be frozen a d your magic and Rainbow will be stolen. Therefore, now would be a good time to become about 20% cooler. If you don't mind." She grinned at her friends as they shook their heads and she ran off to deal with the mist. Rainbow trusted that her friends would be right behind her.

Outside, Canterlot High was in utter chaos. The mist had realised that there were no fresh targets out front so was trying to sniff them out. Thankfully, Rainbow had moved so quickly when escorting Madam Gradient that Obsidia hadn't been able to track her movements. Plus, seeing as she wasn't there anymore, it would be pointless. Rainbow strongly suspected that the Goddess knew of her new powers and that she had freed her friends. Now, there were seven people to fight, all of whom were heavily magically endowed.

Clearly frustrated, Obsidia had made her mist spread outwards and start covering every inch of organic life. Rainbow watched from the marble steps as the ground and grass the mist moved on from was revealed to be dull and a monochrome colour. Colour and magic was her fuel, providing the Goddess with enough power to destroy her enemies. Rainbow wasn't going to let that happen, not now, not ever. The world needed colour and joy to live and flourish in its place in the universe. However while that was a noble goal, the mist was growing on darker abs darker shades as more and more power was pushed into it to try and find more targets. Eventually it would run out of magic... Yes!

Rainbow slapped her hand to her forehead. All she had to do was stay put of sight and save anyone who got in the mist's way. That way, all the Rainbow Obsidia had obtained recently would run out and her most powerful weapon would be broken. It was simply a matter of time, stealth and a little patience. The virtue she could master in dire times of need. Unfortunately, life didn't work as easily as perhaps people would like and Obsidia was definitely not a fool. Having worked out what was happening to her mist, she retreated it from such a large area and dulled the colour of that so it only circled around a small area. Rainbow didn't let herself panic. 'Don't worry, it'll still run out. It will just take longer.' However she wasn't sure if any of them had time to spare.

At first glance, that did seem to be what Obsidia's plan was, to reserve her magic, but then it began to change. The mist grew and rose upwards in a tornado motion and coloured purple at the bottom. It stopped looking so misty and had a bit more structure to it. Rainbow turned her head when she heard a gasp coming from the back of the school. Madam Gradient was watching the events unfold before her with wide eyes. That was when Rainbow realised what was going on: Obsidia was teleporting to Canterlot High. And she was ready to deal with her new pesty enemy herself and Rainbow risked being runout.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the big battle is approaching! I wonder who will win? Unfortunately, I won't be updating tomorrow, that is for definite. It's my brother's birthday. I promise this is not an April Fools. Pinch, punch, first of the month as I won't talk to you all. I'll update again on Saturday but until then, adiós.

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