Chapter 10: Memories

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Rainbow Dash knew a lot about the history of her village. It had started off as some explorers who became trapped in the wilderness, cut off from any help from civilisation. Somehow, they had managed to survive and thrive in their hopeless situation. They went on to build, maintain and grow their little community. Trees became houses and rivers became wells. They lived in harmony with the nature around them and changed and adapted so both could live harmoniously side by side. That was a good two hundred years ago. For some reason, within the last twenty years of it's existence, the children had been born with these unusual abilities.

People wondered and researched as to why these generations were being chosen but no one could come up with any sort of reasonable answer why. Eventually, their powers were deemed a miracle and the villagers accepted it as so. With a wide variety of gifts, the village found themselves with every benefit they could ever need for any scenario. It was a requirement at the school that all children were educated on the history of their village very intensely so Rainbow knew it like the back of her hand; even if she would rather not. As Madam Gradient's favourite, she had also been given access to some of the higher level and restricted books. The actual history was extremely boring however some of the stories had been pretty awesome and captured Rainbow's imagination.

Rainbow was sat in her basement, laying on her back with her hands behind her head. Her eyes were closed as she tried to remember which one of these books contained a variety of abilities and uses for many different scenarios. If she remembered correctly, one of them mentioned a memory spell. However she had forgotten what type of power was needed to complete it. Opening her eyes, Rainbow freed her hand and started slapping her hand against her temple as she sighed. 'Come on Rainbow, you're smart, think! Think!' Nothing came to mind though and she only became more frustrated with herself. Annoyed, she stood up and stretched before jogging on the spot. Exercise helped her think but nothing was coming to mind at the moment.

The door to the basement opened above the stairs and her mum poked her head in. "I thought I heard you in here." Windy laughed as she came down the stairs. "What are you doing?" She copied Rainbow's stretches and stood beside her.

Rainbow sighed. "I'm trying to remember which power is needed for a memory spell. Iridescent not Equestrian." There was no point in trying to hide the point of her research, even if she hid the reason why.

Her mum frowned. "I doubt I'm allowed to ask why?" Rainbow shook her head with a smile. "Okay, well it needs more than just one power; that's probably why you can't fully remember. The person has to be asleep then the memory worker has to put or take the memories in or out. Memory spells can be completed with telekinesis or telepathy abilities, preferably telepathy. The power to read minds. However, another key fact is that another person has to be there who knows the original memory and the reconstructed one. So a child who wants their parents to forget what terrible grades they got. The child will know the original grades and what they want their parents to believe was their actual grade." The pair moved to yoga poses. "Do you understand? It can get complicated." Windy and Rainbow stopped stretching and looked at each other. "Tell me why, please?" The sincerity in her voice almost made Rainbow crack, but she didn't.

She couldn't, while she knew it would only be a matter of time before they discovered the truth. To be honest, Rainbow was surprised the police hadn't already come to see them. However it had only been a couple of hours since the demand for her arrest was announced. "Sorry Mum, nothing to tell. Just curious, you know with everything that's happened recently." That reply seemed to soothe Windy as the pair embraced in a hug. "I'm going to go see Sunset, I'll talk to you later." Blowing her a kiss, Rainbow ran out of the basement and pass her dad before out into the open road.


Sunset lived in a fairly nice house. It was red bricked and just on the outskirts of town. A fire escape ran along the side of the house next to it that allowed you easy access to the upstairs bathroom. Sometimes Sunset came in that way when she couldn't be bothered to open the front door. Considering that it was mid-day, Rainbow was fairly certain that her friend would be up. Knocking on the door, she prepared herself for the possibility that Sunset would react similarly to Rarity. News and rumours spread like wildfire around here.

Sunset opened the door however and greeted Rainbow with a smile. "Hey Rainbow, come on in." She widened the door and allowed her to enter. "What can I do for you?" Sunset closed the door and went back to the living room where her guitar was set up.

Rainbow followed her closely. "Well, have you heard what happened to AJ's barn?" That seemed like a good starting point. Sunset nodded, now looking curious. "Well someone tipped the police off with 'proof' that I was the one responsible." Sunset gasped and left her guitar.

Standing in front of Rainbow, she crossed her arms. "Is it true?" It was a simple question but threw Rainbow off her game. It occured to her that Rarity hadn't even bothered to ask that.

"No." She frowned at Sunset, exasperated by the question, who just held up her hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay. Just checking. You can never be sure. I was just wondering if you came here to hide from the law." Rainbow shook her head vehemently. "Okay, so what do you need my help with?" That was a slightly trickier question.

In all honesty, Sunset was needed to use her powers to make everyone, especially the Flim-Flam brothers, forget about the post. Without that post, the brothers had no legs to stand on when trying to sue the Cakes. Pinkie would keep her job and house and her near death experience wouldn't have been for nothing. It would also be useful now she realised to use it to make the police and Rarity forget about her impending arrest. "I need you to alter a few memories for me. Like what Wallflower did but not evil." Rainbow could hear in her own voice how suspicious and weird this sounded.

Sunset frowned for she had been the main victim of Wallflower's attack. That girl had used the stone to make everyone believe that Sunset was back to being her mean self. Or never changed from being her old self. Thanks to Trixie, she had managed to save the day but the thought of her friends turning on her like that still haunted her. It was not something she wished to happen again on anyone for any reason, regardless of if it was needed or not. "And why would I do that?" Sunset glanced at Rainbow who actually stopped for a moment to think.

She knew of why her telepathic friend was extremely hesitant to help her. If something went wrong then no one had any idea of what could be the repercussions. Still, more people than Rainbow were being hurt by this and she needed to fix it. For their sakes at least. Sighing, she ran a hand through her troublesome hair and looked at Sunset. "If you help me Sunset, you make sure that any suffering that has happened in the last day or so is erased. People won't have to worry or fret over the consequences because the actions never happened. Please?" If her words were getting through to her, Sunset made little effort to show it.

"Rainbow, I'm sure that whatever is going on at the moment is tough. But I'm sure you can handle it, you're tough. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. However if you need anything else I'm here for you." Sunset smiled sympathetically at her and patted her on the shoulder before she returned to her guitar.

The super speedy girl was lost in thought. They phase Sunset had used was a motto Madam Gradient had used a lot in lessons. Especially when the spells took a lot out of them. With the memories still playing behind her eyes, Rainbow barely had time to blink before Madam Gradient was at the top of the landing. "AHH!" Rainbow screamed in shock and Sunset got into a fighting pose.

"How did you get into my house?" She snarled at the intruder.

Madam Gradient simply smiled. "The fire escape is really useful, you should start locking your windows." She turned from Sunset to her student. "This was your move? More magic? A do-over? A way of involving more of your loved ones? I thought you were smarter than that. However trying to erase your moves, that's cheating, Rainbow." She shook her head at her and jumped down the flight of stairs to land in front of them. When she rose, the pair saw her eyes glowing and hands wrapped around magic that spiralled from her core. "And now, you miss a turn. While I go again."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it is a day late. Had some slight writer's block. I wonder what's going to happen now? Will Rainbow and Madam Gradient have a big fight? I'll probably update again tomorrow so bye, bye.

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