Chapter 12: Stormy Weather

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Sunset was extremely confused and a little bit frightened. A stranger that she didn't know but seemed to know Rainbow quite well had broken into her home. That in itself was scary enough but what really spooked Subset was the crazy amounts of magical energy that woman was using. It was unnatural. However Rainbow hadn't appeared concerned in the slightest, instead she'd adopted a cool and collected manner before doing some weird hand things. A similar magic had flowed from her friend as she'd cast whatever spell that was. Sunset wasn't even sure if it was a spell but it had certainly done something; both women had just simply vanished into thin air afterwards.

Not knowing what to do, she had just kind of stayed where she had been before. Sunset picked up her guitar and started to strum some basic cords to try and inspire herself as well as relax her but her mind was buzzing. Something was going in here, perhaps something Rainbow would've told her if she had agreed to help her. However if things were that desperate then she would have heard about the catalyst behind these events already. Sunset hated not knowing what was going on. Whoever that woman was, she was certainly bad news. Sunset had never seen Rainbow act the way she had then, she had seen both the angriest and calmest she'd ever seen. That magic also didn't appear to be Equestrian, something else was at play here.

While Sunset mulled this over, a sudden bright white light filled her house and she covered her eyes. The sound of a hacking cough made Sunset clear her eyes and see Rainbow kneeling on the floor. "Rainbow!" She immediately ran over to her friend and helped her to her feet. "Are you okay? What happened?" She helped her friend up and guided her to her chair. Sunset noticed the change in Rainbow's outfit and knew she needed answers now. "You look different. Where did you go?" She looked Rainbow in the eye while she still recovered her breath.

Puffing, Rainbow tried to make sense of what had happened. One minute she's begging Sunset to help her, the next she's performing a rather advanced spell before going into the Ripple Realm. She wasn't even sure if what seemed to occur there counted as reality but the knowledge that Sunset could see a change in her outfit must mean that something in that world was real. As to the whereabouts of her former headteacher, Rainbow had no idea. She'd assumed that they would return to the exact same place they left but with it just being the two of them in Sunset's house, it seemed unlikely.

Knowing her friend wanted answers, Rainbow tried to recall the earliest one. "I'm fine thank you Sunset, just rather tired and slightly shaken if I'm being honest. I don't really know what happened for I didn't expect that spell to even start working, much less actually work whilst casting it. It sent me and that woman, Madam Gradient, to a place known as the Ripple Realm. A place I've only ever heard about. People are often sent there when they are at crossroads in their life and need to make an impending, important decision. This outfit came with me making mine." She paused to gather her thoughts as Sunset quickly went to get her a teeny- tiny glass of water.

After she returned, Rainbow accepted the offer gratefully while Sunset sat beside her. This was a lot of information to take in all at once. She suspected from the way she was talking about everything that this was strongly connected to whatever Rainbow wanted her to do previously. Shaking her head, the words she spoke still didn't make any sense. "I'm sorry, I'm confused. What spell? Since when could you do spells? Who was that woman? Do we need to defeat her? Do-" Sunset was cut off by Rainbow suddenly holding her hand across her mouth to silence her and shaking her head vehemently.

"No! That has to be the clearest thing you and the others understand from what I'm telling you. You do not need to defeat her. Maybe I do, but not you. This is my battle, not yours. I refuse to let you guys get hurt." There were few things that she could control in her life right now, but Rainbow would fight to the death to protect her friends.

Sunset simply raised her eyebrows. "I appreciate the sentiment Rainbow but I don't remember it ever being your job to decide when we fight. Remember, the Magic of Friendship? We fight together as a team, as friends." She reached across and tried to hold her hand but Rainbow pulled away.

Sighing, she ran a hand through her hair. "You don't understand. This isn't about Equestria, about our friendship. This is about me; and my past. This is before you, before Canterlot High. Nothing about this concerns you!" Rainbow could feel herself getting more and more stressed with each word but she needed to get Sunset to understand; she knew the most about magic and was rather reasonable as well as intelligent. Hopefully the others would actually listen to her when Rainbow told them why they couldn't help her with her problems for once. "Some things are just too complicated for Friendship to solve." Sunset had been listening like a good friend up to that point when she stood up and started waving her hands at Rainbow.

"That kind of thinking is dangerous! Remember when the Sirens attacked? Twilight thought she had to find the answers all on her own. That's exactly what you're doing now! We can help you-

"NO YOU CAN'T!" Thunder boomed outside as lightning flashes and heavy raindrops started to slam against the window pane. Both girls were breathing heavily as they stared the other down. "Twilight didn't know the answer. I do. I've known the answer all my life, ice just been prolonging the inevitable. There is no reason for you or anyone else to get involved." Rainbow sighed and turned away from Sunset as the extremely abrupt storm outside started to calm down.

Sunset tutted and rolled her eyes. "So then why is Applejack's barn destroyed? Why is Pinkie absolutely despairing and on the brink of eviction and unemployment? Why is Rarity refusing to let anyone see her or Sweetie Belle? Why is my staircase destroyed and someone breaking into my home? Why are you hiding things from us if we're getting endangered by it anyway?!" She also raised her voice at her multicoloured friend and closed the gap between them.

Rainbow suddenly spun on her heel and glared at Sunset's angry face. "BECAUSE!" She had no actual answer and could feel her frustration building and threw her arms up in the air. Not wanting to continue this conversation, Rainbow lowered her hands with a lot of force and pushed Sunset away, hard. She stumbled, not expecting the assault and very nearly fell over. Rainbow ran over to the front door as the wind picked up and rain continued to lash but the thunder and lightning cooled off. "Bye Sunset." Then she was out if that door in a flash, just not as fast as usual.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, back to the regular updates. Sunset and Rainbow had quite the arguement it seems. Very angry. I will update again tomorrow so adiós mis amigos!

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